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Chara had finally found the master bedroom, where they would be staying with Frisk, and collapsed on the bed in a storm of tears. Cherice: it was the name Chara had been so desperate to just forget, all the memories that they wanted to burn. Cherice, the child, the human weapon.. The killer. Cherice, infused with magic, born to be hated by the society they lived in, locked away for a year and a half with almost no food and dirty water.

But it just didn't make sense. The things they saw during their episodes, the nightmares and memories, they weren't.. It didn't add up. None of the file reports on the orphanage ever talked about the knives, the blood.. The skinned rats and animals were all forgotten. Not only that, but what about the other episodes? When they were trapped in the crimson pit, watching through their own eyes as they killed everyone they ever loved. Chara knew those weren't real but there they were, showing up just like all the other memories with the black tar and sickening, hot crimson pouring down.

Chara continued to cry, pulling their knees to their chest and hugging themselves, sobbing uncontrollably. What kind of demon where they born as, what kind of demon did this world turn them into? They didn't want this. They didn't want to be Cherice, they didn't want these eyes and they didn't want magic. All Chara wanted was to be human, to be normal. They wanted to be something worthy of Frisk's love, because deep inside Chara knew that they weren't, they just weren't.

There was a light tap on the door, and Chara heard it creaking open. They didn't bother looking up, they didn't want to know who was going to see them like this. "Chara? Chara what's wrong?" Came the familiar voice of Frisk from the doorway. They could hear them walking over to the edge of the bed and sitting down. Chara said nothing.

"Come here, Chara. Everything is going to be alright, I promise." Frisk stroked Chara's hair and pulled them onto their lap. "I don't know what's wrong, and you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to, but I'm here for you. You're safe, and so am I. It's alright."

"How could you love someone like me Frisk..? I don't understand. I'm the child from the orphanage. I was the one who burnt it down, I killed everyone there in the fire.. Not a single one of them survived." Chara sobbed, pulling themselves tight into Frisk's body, "I'm just a cursed child with the eyes of a demon."

"Chara. Chara, look at me." Frisk spoke firmly, but hardly in an aggressive tone. They took their hand and lifted up Chara's chin so they were looking one another eye to eye. "You were a child. A sad, confused child that had been locked away for a year and a half. What you did was understandable, you had no one to help you through it. But I'm here now, and here to help you through everything. You haven't been cursed, you've been blessed, and your eyes? Your eyes are beautiful.. Don't let anyone tell you different."

"Thank you, Frisk.." Chara sniffled, sitting up, turning over and slowly straddling Frisk. They took in a deep breath, wiped away their tears and buried their face into Frisk's shoulder before murmuring something that Frisk couldn't make out. They slowly rubbed their back with one hand and placed the other around their waist.

"I love you too, Chara. I always will, I promise.." Frisk whispered into Chara's ear and then smiled widely, "Now, get changed into something comfortable because we're going to go cook dinner together and then we're watching movies with everyone, alright?"

"This is a palace, can't we have some sort of chef do that for us?" Chara complained, looking up from Frisk's shoulder to look at them and pout.

"Technically, yes, but I've had our top floor separated from the palace stuff and rearranged so it can be more like home. It felt too fancy and... Weird. It still is really weird, spacey and big but we have a lot more home feel to it now." Frisk explained, standing up and holding Chara up by the butt. Chara wrapped their legs around Frisk and squealed. "Come on, cutie. We're going to the living room."

"Frisk. Frisk why. There are people in the living room and I am dressed up like this. You can't, Undyne will never let this die." Chara complained, and smirked with an idea. They started to softly kiss at Frisk's neck while they carried them into the living room. Undyne and Alphys were sitting together in an awkwardly large couch and Sans was laying upside down on a big, cushioned arm-chair. Papyrus must have been somewhere in the kitchen, because both Frisk and Chara could hear "Nyeh" and boiling water.

"Is that.. Is that CHARA?!" Undyne exclaimed loudly, looking over at the couple that had just walked into the living room. "No way! Chara Dreemurr is wearing a flowery skirt with ribbons and bows in their hair! I never thought I'd see a day where that little punk dressed like some kind of princess!"

"Chara? Dressed like a princess? I don't believe my eye sockets." Sans laughed, picking up the trombone that was sitting next to the chair and began to play a tune that sounded rather like royal fanfare.

"I might look like a princess but I'll kick both of your asses! As soon as Frisk puts me down, just you wait!" Chara declared with a loud humph, but Frisk didn't put them down. Instead, they tossed Chara up and caught them, holding them bridal style. Chara was blushing furiously and folding their arms.

"I'll fight all of you if word of this leaves this room. All of you." Chara shot and turned away, burying their face in Frisk's chest.

"Don't mind them you guys, they're just a bit grumpy." Frisk laughed, carrying them off from the living room and towards the kitchen where Papyrus was. Chara wasn't exactly looking forward to that encounter.

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