Fire and Shadow

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"Hey, guys.. I got a phone call I have to take really quick. Something I need to take care of. Don't worry, you can start the movie and I'll be right back. Keep my little brother here safe and loved, alrightie?" Chara sat down Asriel's flower pot on the coffee table in the living room, waving to Frisk and the other little humans to step into the hall. The whole gang was going to be watching movies and eating, it was going to be quite a lot of fun. Chara hoped to handle whatever business they had as quickly as possible.

"What's going on Papyrus? Why did you call, what did you say was wrong?" Chara said into the phone, pausing to listen to Papyrus's jumbled report. He seemed to be in quite a frenzy, but they were able to interpret his words. The no mercy child had escaped the prison somehow, and who knows where they were going to go. So, to be prepared, Chara went to the armory, donning their gear and drawing their blade. They were going to find this child and fix things to the best of their ability. As soon as Chara turned around, one of their guards ran towards them, stopping to pant and catch their breath.

"The child.. The killer.. They're in the courtyard, you have to go, none of us can stop them, they're just as strong as you are. You have to do something." They pleaded, and Chara nodded. They left the room and made their way steadily towards the courtyard. They saw the child in the distance, and Chara stepped into the light where they could be visibly seen by their adversary.

"So this is it, huh? Seeing you now I almost pity you, in fact I do. You're dying, Chara, and there's nothing in this world that can save you. No matter how much you hide it, behind the insanity you're still a child. A lost child." Chara sighed, stepping out into the courtyard underneath the moonlight, tightening their grip on the hilt of the blade at their hip. Their twin of another timeline sat cross legged in the dirt, not even looking up.

"Yes, I'm dying, an excellent observation, Chara. You're wrong about one thing, though. There is something that can save me, one last thing that can keep me alive.." The other Chara replied, slowly rising to their feet and turning around. Their form began to twitch, a menacing shadow trying to rip itself free and lightning strikes of different faces surrounding them. "I need your soul, it's the only one that will line up with mine, the only perfect match. Right now, you're the only thing standing between me and survival, so lay down your blade and give me what I want."

"You see, the thing is.. I need this, and I refuse to give it up to anyone." Chara replied casually, drawing their blade from its sheath and giving it a little twirl. The strikes of unbridled electricity that surrounded the other Chara began to fuse with the vicious shadow around them, ripping and tearing at their body and till it began to morph and change from the small child to a cloaked and armored killer. Twin blades drew out from the gauntlets strapped on their arms, spinning razors against their shoulder and knives strapped along their legs.

"Then I guess it's time we dance!" The other Chara laughed maniacally, their shadow ripping free from their body as both of them charged towards our Chara, throwing the razor sharp spinning blades from their backs towards them. Preparing a stance, Chara dug firmly into the ground and sliced their blade across the air, flames streaming from the tip to create a wall that turned the oncoming blades into ash.

The fight was a dance of fire and shadow, neither Chara able to land a single hit on one another as heated metal clashed and magic burst in the air. Although they used very different types of magic, their styles of fighting were uncomfortably similar, flipping over, ducking and sliding through and around every oncoming threat. Chara had come dangerously close to striking Cherice with their whirlwind of flame, but at the last second they switched places with their shadow and came at them from another angle.

It was a fight that would never end, pitting the unstoppable force against the immovable object, leaving them there to dance for eternity until one of them made a mistake. Neither of them ever did, neither of them ever landed a single hit but their attempts left the courtyard a blazing pit of crimson fire and corrupted shadow. At least until one tiny slip.. For, you see, Cherice had nothing left in this world to lose, but Chara had everything to lose and so the ruthless onslaught left them afraid, afraid of what would happen if they lost.. What would happen to Frisk.

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