Talkin' bout it

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Sam blinked their eyes open slowly, looking around with a heavy groan. She really should have seen that coming, but for some reason the clear prospect of a massive explosion just slipped her mind. The entire area of the lab had collapsed, and the bridges and stairways had fallen into the pits. The main hunk of land that the lab was built on was only half gone, and for that Sam was thankful; had it been destroyed entirely, she would not be laying here to complain about it. Sadly, laying there and complaining about it was just about all she could do, she realized when looking at the crippled mess that was her body. She was laying in a pool of hot, black tar and quite a few of her vital body parts seemed to be missing. It was fine though, Sam decided, knowing that if she just laid there for another hour that they would eventually reform and she could go about her daily life.

~~Back at the new home~~

"Sans would be proud of you for those puns, Chara.. He would be proud." Asriel groaned in a drawn out complaint, jokingly of course. This was really the only way to respond to a proper pun; screaming into the abyss and waiting for the sweet release of death.

"I am proud, so proud." Sans laughed, stepping out of.. Somewhere? This guy just had a habit of showing up in some of the weirdest places at the weirdest times, "You guys look a little shaken up, and it's too bad, it looked like you were having a real blast."

"Hey, Sans?" Chara called out, sitting up and rubbing their forehead.

"What's up?" Sans replied with a casual tone, having a pretty good guess about what was going to be said next.

"Have I ever told you how much I hate you? Because I hate you.." Chara's scowl quickly turned into a sly grin as they slipped on their boots, "Right down to the bone."

"Chara!! I will go god of absolute hyper death on you for that!!" Asriel shouted out, waving his limbs about while trying to stand. Frisk hadn't even bothered to sit up yet, and was just kind of slow clapping for everyone next to the tree.

"Ouch, Chara. That hurt a ton!" Sans said, and Asriel braced himself for the next terrible pun, "It hurt a skele-ton!"

"I was going to ask if everyone was okay, but judging by the laughter and the jokes.. I think it's safe to say that no one is hurt too bad." Toriel said with a sigh of relief from the doorway.

"No, mom. I'm hurt a lot on the inside, I'm dying." Asriel complained loudly, "The puns are just so terrible, you gotta stop 'em!"

"I would love to stop them, my child, but they just seem.." Toriel started sincerely, but looked at Sans and Chara with a grin, "They just seem puncontrollable."

"Why have you forsaken me mother?" Asriel tried to act hurt, but it was just too difficult to keep in his bubbling laughter and he eventually gave up, letting the laugh spill out.

Toriel laughed as well, and Chara simply grinned and shook their head in amusement as they walked over to where Frisk was lying and surprisingly still slow clapping for everyone. "So what happened? Sans, do you know?"

"Well, uh.. Something exploded in the royal lab in the hot-lands. As far as we know, nobody was there when it happened. King Asgore has already left to ask around and see what anyone saw, but I'm sure you knew that part." Sans replied, scratching the back of his head.

Toriel was about to reply, but her attention, as well as everyone else's, was soon captured by the sight of Chara picking Frisk up in their arms. It wasn't the way that Frisk nuzzled into their shoulder or the way Chara smiled and blushed, but the heart and soul that formed above them for all the world to see. It glistened and sparkled, rays of a million different colors bursting free as the heart itself warped through shades of pink and red.

Vamp!tale (Chara x Frisk)Where stories live. Discover now