Old Relations

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There was a giggling that could be heard from behind them, but neither Chara nor Frisk payed it any mind; they were both too caught up in an electric heat of passion, the fusion of their souls sparking in a thousand shades as their lips met all over one anothers body until they finally collapsed in a heap of sweat and limbs, various articles of clothes strewn about the floor. As they laid there, staring up at the ceiling, their newly found fused soul hovered above and between, a gentle shade of pink.

"Wow... That was.." Chara let out with a heavy breath, their body exhausted from the high they had just fallen from. That was something they never thought they would experience, and they never thought it would be with someone like Frisk. That kind of passion was only amplified by the recent events, and it had made it all the more brilliant. "Wow."

"Yesh.. Wow is right." Frisk giggled, pulling the blanket down from the bed to cover their exposed bodies as best they could. After the little incident of being caught while on the couch, Frisk had absolutely no desire for anyone to see the heap of limbs that laid on the floor, entangled in one another. When Chara looked over in question, Frisk just gave a simple shrug, "I don't want Alphys walking up the stairs to see this."

"Yeah, that's a good idea." Chara nodded, not exactly fond of the idea of being covered in a blanket considering how hot and sweaty they were feeling. A blanket over them was not going to help that in any way shape or form. "Maybe we should just get up and get dressed?" Chara suggested slowly, although they didn't exactly want to do that either. It probably would be for the best if they did, however.

"Shhh.. Not yet.. It's sleepy sleepy time.." Frisk yawned and stretched out, placing a finger on Chara's lips to shush them, leaving much of their shoulder and neck exposed. They were covered in bite marks and bruises, as Chara was themselves. Love bites that they had left behind. Even still, Frisk was absolutely stunning. Every curve and every feature; the chubby cheeks, the way their hair curled even while it was a mess, everything down to their scars. It made CHara sad to think anything could dare to damage something as flawless as Frisk. The way their skin glistened in the light; darkened and toned yet pale and gentle at the same time.

But there was something even more beautiful on the inside, and Chara felt privledged to be apart of it. "It isn't sleepy time, silly! You just woke up from a nap not three hours ago! Sleepy time is later."

"Alright, alright.. We'll get up now." Frisk murmured into Chara's ear before standing up, leaving very little to Cara's imagination. They stooped down, slowly gathering bits and pieces of clothing as Chara watched intently. It was until they began to get dressed that Chara realized they were putting on their clothes rather then their own, and they let out a heavy sigh.

"Wow, your boots sure are comfy, I can see why you wear them all the time! I like this!" Frisk laughed aloud, doing a little twirl so that Chara could get a good luck of them in their clothes. Frisk couldn't wait to see chara in their own baggy clothing.

"That's why I wear them, Frisk. But I'm glad you like it." Chara sighed, rolling out from under the blanket and gathering up Frisk's clothing and began to dress. They were baggy and kind of awkward to wear, but comfy all the same. They just weren't used to wearing things so loose.

However, things began to go drastically down hill for the couple at the ding of an elevator, Chara and Frisk running down the steps to greet Alphys, stepping out of a room that was very clearly labelled as a bathroom. It was also very clear that it wasn't a bathroom.

But upon seeing the soul that hovered above the couple's head, something clicked in Alphys' mind and they began to stutter aloud, trying to gather all the information together, "So, wait.. Hold on.. Those colors, the anomaly.. The chemicals in the sample, one to.. And then the.. YES! It all makes sense now!!"

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