Friendship 101

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"I figured you'd be down here, Azzy.. After all of this time, you're still sentimental at heart. I'm not complaining, though, I think it's part of what makes you so great. But now I gotta ask, what brings you here? Doesn't the soon to be world's first monster pro-gamer have some practicing to do?" Chara forced a laughter, sitting down next to their brother, no longer in a flower pot. Instead, they rooted themselves in Father's garden with all the other flowers, slowly wilting.

"I needed a break." Asriel replied, not warranting any further questions. Chara, however, was not one for warrants nor invitation. They did as they pleased.

"That's a new one, huh?" Chara snorted, not buying it for a second, "Something isn't right. I know I've been busy, but you're still my brother and my best friend. I know when something's wrong, you haven't even met the new members of the house."

"Thanks, Chara.. That means a lot to me.." Asriel sighed, finally turning up towards Chara, "I know this is out of nowhere but, you wanted to know. Chara, I don't think a monster soul is meant to be in a plant for this long. Could you.. Check on it or something?"

"You betcha, pal." Chara nodded with a smile, taking their fingers and pinching at the stem of Asriel's flower, slowly and gently pulling the white soul from within. Their smile dropped off the face of the underground in almost an instant.

"Chara.. Chara, what is it?" Asriel started to get worried by the lack of response from their sibling, "Show it to me!"

"We need to get you to Alphys, like now. It's crumbling.." Chara replied, their voice shaking.


"Now, before we can learn how to be a good friend, we have to get you some new clothes! These are the old ruins, and I know our Chara wouldn't mind a bit if we gave you some of their old clothes! In order to build a lasting friendship, you are going to have a cooking lesson with the best chef in the underground, me! The great Papyrus!! I will be waiting for you there!" Papyrus declared, laughing to himself as he left the small human in their room. He was worried, of course, but that didn't give him any cause to not believe the human would come through. After all, they had the best teacher!

A few moments later, the small human stepped into the doorway of the kitchen, "My hair.. It got stuck in my sweater.. I can't get it all out, it's too long.." The child spoke barely above a whisper, which Papyrus found odd. He would teach them about conversation later, first! Hair and cooking. And not at the same time.

"Well that is a predicament! Come here, I think this is a perfect time for lesson two!" Papyrs declared happily, and the small human reluctantly obliged, stepping forward and turning their back to Papyrus. Their entire body was shaking with fear, everything told them it was wrong to turn their back on anyone; but they did, just this once, and they were not let down. Papyrus gently pulled all of the child's long hair from the sweater and let it fall to the ground, "Lesson 2! A friend always helps their friends when they need help! Now, let us make spaghetti! With me teaching you, you'll be the best chef for sure!"

"Don't we need.. Like.. stuff..?" The small human asked, looking up at Papyrus with a rather puzzled face. "They cleared everything.. We don't have stuff.."

"Hmmm.. You're quite right human!! Not to worry, the great Papyrus has a back up plan! Tell me human, do you like puzzles? Puzzles are my favorite! We can do a small one, in here!"

"Like a.. A picture puzzle..?"

"Yes! A picture puzzle indeed! Those types of puzzles are amazing, and I will share one with you, human!!" Papyrus nodded with a gigantic smile, and lead the small human into the living room. From one of the shelves, he grabbed a puzzle box and set it down onto the table. "Here! This one will be so much fun!"

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