In Disguise

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"Aight, we're almost ready kiddos." Darcy said with a casual laugh, wiping his shades with a handkerchief before putting them on, "As far as the city is concerned, you two are in the black car being followed by an armored truck and my guard. Your friends are in the armored truck, and the one, uh.. Alphys, is having an entire moving van filled with stuff brought over. She wasn't originally going to go but Undyne insisted and, well, she was actually pretty good at reworking the armored truck for a little more security."

"So uhm, if we aren't going to be in the car, then how exactly are we going to get to the palace? What have you got up your sleeve?" Chara asked, narrowing their eyes. Right now it was just Chara, Frisk and Darcy in the house. Mother, Father and Asriel were seeing off the rest of the group outside while waiting for the Baron, Darcy.

"Oh, you're gonna love this one. It's a disguise. I've got one for you and you can set up one for Frisk. Remember, no blush and pull your hair back." Darcy smiled, tipped his hat and handed Chara a bag before heading out the door. Chara looked in the bag and let out a loud, exasperated groan.

"What is it?" Frisk asked, taking a peek into the bag and then started to laugh, "Oh come on, it can't be that bad. I know you don't really like the look, but it's just one day and no one will even know who you are. It's okay."

"Fine, fine. Whatever, I'll wear this garbage." Chara folded their arms and pouted before taking the bag into the bathroom. The truth is, they only hated dressing up like this because it took a bit more work than their usual look, and they didn't love it as much as what they usually wore. But sometimes, well.. Sometimes they enjoyed looking and feeling that way. Others they wanted anything but that, sometimes the opposite. It was all a confusing mess for Chara.

Thirty minutes later, Chara reemerged from the bathroom and cleared their throat. Frisk turned around to see something that they never thought they would see. As much as Chara tried to hide it, they were actually enjoying the way they felt, feeling.. Well, pretty. They were wearing a bright, floral skirt with a pink tank-top and a purple flannel. Their hair was pulled back into a bun and held in place with a bright ribbon, and they had a bow on the left side of their head. On their feet they wore laced boots with black, thigh high socks. Their makeup was also a little different, which was usually a more naturalized look with blush, and instead had on something similar with an added red lipstick, eye shadow and winged eyeliner. Blush was an absence, but with the way Frisk was staring their might as well have been. They were also carrying a parasol.

"I didn't know you had that kind of look in you.." Frisk whispered softly, "I guess I didn't think you had the capability for that sort of delicacy and.. Gosh, I don't know what I'm saying. You look really nice, Chara."

"Humph! Of course I had it in me, I can pull off any look I want to!" Chara stuck out their tongue and walked over to Frisk with a smile. They hugged them, and Frisk took in a deep breath of a cinnamon-vanilla perfume and almost coughed. Then.. Chara began to tickle them. It startled Frisk so much, they fell back and in a puff of smoke, they hovered above the ground as a little bat. "There. There's your disguise."

Frisk began to squeal at Chara and flew up and around them. Chara sighed, and gently wrapped their hand around the tiny little bat, "Stop yelling at me, silly. Once you find out where you're staying on this trip I'm sure it'll be fine." Chara assured, and gently put tiny bat Frisk inside their tank-top for them to hide. Frisk was no longer making angry squeeks.

Chara slipped out the back door and made a quiet leave to the city, entering through a small road that no one really cared about into a busy market place. Frisk was incredibly nervous about the entire situation, not wanting to be caught or hurt, so they were burying themselves in Chara's chest. Well, for that and for other reasons. Either way, Chara put up their parasol and meandered through the city, taking no hurry to arrive at the palace where Darcy would be waiting.

No one took notice to the "lady" walking down the streets, meandering and window shopping at all the stores, stopping to look at menus of cafes and restaurants. As much as they looked the part, Chara was not a lady. Or a gentleman or a.. Anything, really. Chara was just Chara and that's all that really counted. After a while, Frisk decided to try and poke their head out from Chara's tank-top and look out at the world, but Chara kept either pushing them back down or pulling the flannel in front of them. No one needed to see someone walking around with a bat snuggling in their chest, that just wasn't normal.

Chara and Frisk soon reached the the garden entrance to the palace, where Darcy was waiting for them with his shades on, reading a newspaper. Chara took Frisk out of their shirt and gently pet them until there was a puff of smoke and they were a fully grown human again. Darcy opened the gate and made a gesture with his hand.

"Your friends are waiting for you down the path, you can meet them there and I'll help you get settled in just a bit." Darcy said with a smile, leading Frisk and Chara into the gardens, but stopped Chara short, "We'll catch up soon, we just have to talk for a moment."

"Right, of course. I'm sure you'll want to know how the trip here went." Frisk smiled, and waved the two off, heading down the garden path and to the palace. Darcy looked at Chara and narrows his eyes, the friendliness no longer there. He held up a pipe.

"Would you mind lighting this for me?" He asked, gesturing to the end of the pipe and holding it out for Chara, "It's been quite a stressful day."

"I don't have a match, or lighter or anything." Chara shrugged, looking away, "Can't you do it yourself?"

"Don't give me that. Take off your contacts and light the pipe." Darcy snapped quickly, and Chara obeyed. They took off the contacts that hid their crimson eyes and snapped their fingers. A fire lit inside the pipe and Darcy grinned.

"I've been looking for you a long time, Cherice."

Vamp!tale (Chara x Frisk)Where stories live. Discover now