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"Alphys? Hey, Doc!! Whatever Anime you're watching on the job can wait, I need your help. Pronto, immediately. Right now." Chara swung the door open to Alphys' lab with a swift kick and shouted again, "Right! NOW! ALPHYS!"

"I-I'm coming d-down now, sorry!" Alphys cried out, almost tripping down the stairs as they ran over to the door to come face to face with an incredibly distraught Chara and what seemed like a droopy flower, but upon closer inspection could be seen as none other than Asriel. "What happened..?"

"Something is wrong with his soul, it's falling apart. Why is this happening, the transfusion worked!" Chara almost shouted, and when Alphys didn't respond in less than a second, they shouted again, "My brother is DYING! How?!"

"I.. I'm.. S-sorry.. A M-monster soul... A monster soul can't survive out of it's body for long. The flower wasn't.. It wasn't ever Asriel's body, his soul must be incredibly strong to survive that long in a flower." Alphys stuttered, looking away from Chara's piercing gaze. "I can try to.. To find something that can keep it together.. For now, just transfer him to a new flower. It should delay the process while I find something."

"Alright, alright.. Fine.. As soon as you find anything that might work, no matter how slim a chance.. Call me, shoot me a text, send a pigeon, I don't care. Just let me know." They sighed, turning on heel and stepping out of the door.

"I will, I promise!" Alphys called out after them, but Chara was already sprinting to Father's new garden. Functioning more as a machine than human, Chara quickly uprooted a new flower, placed it in a new pot and transferred Asriel's soul into that one. Taking in a deep breath, Chara waited for something to happen. Waiting for their brother to say something, anything, even just breath.

"Chara..? What happened?" Asriel groaned, looking around and seeing the old flower now completely withered, "Am I in a new flower pot? Or.. New flower?"

"Ah.. Yes. We had to move you to a new flower while Alphys could find something to help you. Not to worry though, you're going to be fine. I promise." Chara smiled weakly, placing a hand on the new flower pot and pulling it into their lap.

"Chara, I... I'm not sure what happened.. When you did the transfer but.. I feel.. I feel really numb. I can't feel the petals or leaves the way I could last time.." Asriel said, and began to mumble something else under their breath, "Or anything else, for that matter.."

~Frisk and Kids~

"So kids, what would you all like to have for dinner? Anything you want, anything at all. Eventually it'll have to be healthy, but for now it can be whatever." Frisk smiled, looking at all the faces in the room.

"Mac and cheese!!" "No, mashed potatoes!" Both twins called out at once, paused for a moment to look at each other, and then turned back to Frisk with a nod, "Both. Both is good."

"COOKIES!!!!" Emma shouted, jumping up and down.

"I like Pizza." Caitlyn inputted with a shrug.

"Pizza is good." Jenny said with a nod.

"Jamie? Is there anything you want?" Frisk asked with a patient smile.

"I like.. I think Lasagna is tasty.."

"Alright! Well that does sound like a bit of a hodge podge dinner but, eh, who cares, right? As long as it's tasty! Well, I can take you guys to the living room while I get everything ready, and my friend Darcy can show you around the house." Frisk declared, opening the door to the council room as the smallest ones ran out first, followed by the oldest. This was going to be a kind of adventure that Frisk had never experienced before.

Caitlyn, however, stopped at the door and stood right next to Frisk, looking them up and down with an odd look in her eye, "Lit." She shrugged, and continued walking outside. When they arrived at the living room, Emma had already found her way on top of Darcy's shoulders and playing with his nose.

"Looks like you really got your hands full, your grace." Darcy laughed, Emma's tiny little hands now over his eyes, "This one already spouted the entire order, and wants to go see the chef with me? How about it?"

"Sure, just don't get lost and please, I know how clumsy you are, keep the child safe." Frisk replied with a worried look, almost shocked by the fact that they were willing to trust Darcy with a child. Of course, he was much more competent than he acted most of the time.

"Let's go!!! Giddyup silly man!" Emma shouted happily, gently kicking Darcy in the side. He laughed in response, turning around and trodding out of the living room. In the kitchen, this little one would have the privilege of meeting Sans and Grillby, who worked at the royal kitchen on weekends.

~No-Mercy Chara~

Mommy? Mommy! Please wake up, Mommy! Why aren't you saying anything?! Mommy, wake up!! I'm scared, there are all these bright lights and loud noises, and Pappy.. They're taking Pappy away.. Mommy, I'm so scared...

"So, what are you gonna do, huh? You can't stop me from doing what I please, I live without consequence, you can't touch me." Frisk boasted, and Chara rolled their eyes. Of all the timelines they've seen in death, this Frisk had to be the absolute worst. The underground was a stepping stone for greater purpose, a noble sacrifice, not some play thing for insanity.

"You know, it's high time you learned your place.." Chara removed their hand from behind their back, Frisk's soul in hand. They rushed forward to try and stop Chara's next move, but in a swift squeeze of their hand, their soul was crushed. Down to 0 hp in a matter of seconds, and they died. Swiping their hand out in front of them, Chara looked at their menu of options before Frisk came back to reset.

Tired of this endless cycle, Chara knew there was only one option. They had to erase this world and escape to another, and they had to do it quickly. And so they did, with a quick press of a button, the world began to erase itself from existence as Chara scrambled to make it out with their new body intact. They could see the light of the new world just within grasp, but then something happened that they did not expect.

With a grab by the ankle, something pulled Chara back into the endless darkness of the erased world, a void with nothing but shadow. Twisting and twirling, the darkness wrapped around, the vicious screams of the cruelty in their mind loud but muffled in the dark. Around them, the void locked a capsule of fear around Chara.

They were afraid, they were still afraid.. What if it came back? What if they never left? It could all be a trick, what if..

"HUMAN! Human, I have returned with supplies for spaghetti! Undyne will never suspect a thing about this, nyeh heh heh!!! With the best teacher ever, they're going to be so proud of you!" Papyrus declared, swinging open the old door to the ruins with a bag of groceries in hand.

Chara rolled out of their old bed, tears in their eyes. Rubbing at their eyes, they opened the door to see Papyrus. Nagging at the back of their mind were all the what if's of this world, if only by nagging, they meant screaming. After all, one fact was a little more than a mere what if.. They were, undoubtedly, dying.

"Did you have a nice nap, human? Because after cooking lessons, we're going to go to the training hall and learn how to converse with others!!" Papyrus laughed, taking the bag to the kitchen, Chara following after. Chara must have only been four feet tall, and Papyrus towered above them.. Yet it didn't put them on nerve, oddly enough.

Spaghetti time it was, then.

Vamp!tale (Chara x Frisk)Where stories live. Discover now