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"Hey, hey! Frisk, stop that!" Chara shook Frisk back to consciousness, as they had drifted out to space, letting an array of thoughts and questions force their way into their mind, and Chara could hear it too. "You're so much more than a burden, you silly! I help you and you help me, that's how this sort of thing works.. Cause you can help me, a lot. More than you think, but I know you can feel it. We're connected now, and that will never be a curse to me.. I would gladly take on any scar of yours without regret."

"Eternity, Chara.. Eternity.. Eventually, you won't need my help anymore. Eventually I'll just be some weight that you have to drag around, how could you want that?" Frisk buried themselves into Chara's shoulder. Chara was going to have to pay Sam a little visit later for leaving Frisk alone and damaged like this..

"Eventually? Eventually we'll both be better, and we'll be carrying each other along to see all our universe has to offer and more. Our souls are connected, and it isn't a one way street. I'll feel your sadness, and you'll feel mine.. But you'll also feel my happiness, and I'll feel yours. Eventually we'll only ever need to be happy.." Chara promised, stroking Frisk's back before smirking with an idea and picking Frisk up bride style in their arms.

"Hey, what are you doing?!" Frisk yelped, quickly wrapping their arms around Chara's neck as their body tensed.

"Oh, well I mean.. Our souls are bonded, so I figured that must be kinda like getting married! In a sense.. So we're going out somewhere nice! But we're gonna have to get you changed into something that isn't mine or dirty!" Chara shrugged, trying to act like it was no big deal. And then they realized that Frisk knew exactly what was going on in their head and just sort of.. Became a walking strawberry.

"Oh!" Frisk giggled through their drying tears, Chara's mood becoming contagious, whether it was faked or not. "I guess that's one way to look at it.. But if I have to change clothes, so do you! You smell like dirt and moths!"

"You hit me right in the feels Frisk, right in the feels." Chara joked, nuzzling Frisk's nose as they carried them out of the lab and made their way downtown, walking fast. Walking faster, when they noticed the amount of people staring.

So I rated this fic T and all, and I'm too lazy to go and change it right now, but the next section is going to have a lot of swearing. If that's not something you really want to see, just skip to the next bolded part.. If there is one. You won't miss anything that won't be explained again later. Sorry, heh...

"How the fuck does Alphys work in this shit-hole of a lab?" Sam groaned, kicking boxes and chairs to the side, and pushing away empty containers of instant noodles off the desk-tops, "At least when I was here it wasn't so disgusting.. Well, what ever.. Not what I'm here for."

Although where ever Sam went, they tended to take their salty attitude with them. They actually wondered how Frisk turned out to be such a nice kid when their mother was, what they considered themselves to be, the most apocalyptic fuckhat on the planet. At least, in this time line they were. There were some other time lines that weren't as nice as this one.. If this one could ever be considered nice, taking into account how cruel it had been to Sam themselves. And the world had been cruel to Frisk as well, but Frisk ended up completely different.. And Sam had to wonder how.

Maybe it was because Frisk's had remained somewhat intact after being turned, and maybe it was that Frisk still cared about the world, and now Chara was going to be a factor in that situation. What ever it may be, Frisk remained kind and loving, while Sam became cold and what some might consider to be a bit demented and an all around cock waffle mixed with three hundred year old syrup that had been sitting in the sun. Or, in simpler terms, a terrible excuse of a human being. Although, it wasn't exactly like they were trying to be a decent human being or even a human being at that.

They were still sort of human, in a way.. They had a human soul. Of course, that was as far as it went, and even that wasn't complete. You see, there's a moment right before death when your soul is just moments away from shattering into a thousand pieces, violently shaking with two halves that were ready to burst. Sam's soul was trapped in that stage for the rest of their existence, and their "human soul" began to produce a disgusting byproduct that fed off the determination of others souls so that it might continue to feed their own, keeping it from ever truly being destroyed.

And Sam's soul was fed off thousands of little fucker's, now dead and gone. The filth that their breaking soul produced had shredded their victim's beyond any repair as the essence now coursed through Sam's body, every type of soul mixing in the melting pot to become fuel for the vampire's existence. Yet Frisk was different here as well. Frisk only needed determination, and now that their soul had bonded with Chara's, they only needed Chara's determination.. Which transferred into them straight through their soul bond. Frisk would never really need to feed ever again, and as long as Chara remained determined (This is something Sam was 100% on, considering most of Chara's determination seemed to come from Frisk.) neither Frisk nor Chara would ever have to die.

The question that was now on Sam's mind was why the frilly fuck was Chara's determination so potent?! It didn't seem to add up. Chara was in the same state as Sam was, but they seemed to be able to propel themselves forward using their own determination. It was as if none of their own had been consumed in the process of keeping their soul from breaking apart, and something else was.. But what? What made Chara so powerful that they could hang in the balance of life and death with no other help? What kind of shit was that kid pulling?

What ever it was, Sam was about to find out.. And it could very well save their miserable life. They flicked the sample of the byproduct Chara's breaking soul had produced, and pocketed it before heading to the room where Alphys kept their most potent piece of equipment...

So yeah, that's the end of the swearing like once a paragraph or something..

"Frisk!! Give me my boots!" Chara yelled out as Frisk ran out the door with the black pair of boots above their head, Asriel laughing while he was standing outside and watching the fiasco. "Asriel!! Help me!"

"Right! Okay, I'm on it!" Asriel chirped, and proceeded to do absolutely nothing; instead he just waited for Frisk to toss the pair of boots over Chara's head and right into his hands, and he giggled.

"I don't have your boots, Chara! Don't be so silly." Frisk teased, leaning over and giving Chara a kiss on the cheek before they turned to see that Asriel had the boots, who then tossed them to the side for Frisk to catch; and they did. This game of keep away went on for almost ten minutes as Chara hopped around barefoot and tried to get their boots back. In truth, they could have gotten them back if they wanted, but it was fun to see both Frisk and Asriel enjoying themselves, and Frisk knew that. Asriel didn't need to know, though.

And when Chara got their boots back, it wasn't in the way that they had hoped. They had hoped that Frisk would just give them back and their game would end so that they could get changed into something nicer, but that might have needed to be postponed.. As the entire kingdom seemed to shake and tremble before the sound of something like the pounding of thunder times a million hit their ears and sent everyone tumbling to the ground.


It was at this moment that Sam realized they might have made a rather large error. Apparently flashing red lights and terrifying beeping noises were not, in fact, a sign of the machine working. Who whoulda thunk.

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