Family Time

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Chara and Frisk had made it back to the house they had chosen a while ago, although Chara was certainly not having a good time. See, as much as they loved chocolate, they were also allergic to chocolate.. And that ended up in vomiting, hiccups and a minor fever. At this point, Chara had thrown up most of the chocolate that they had eaten, and had fallen asleep on the couch. Frisk had set up an electric fan for them, and brought a bucket and blankets just in case they needed them. Other than that, Frisk was spending the day tidying up the old one story house to make it more livable. Then there was a knock at the door.

"Uhm, I'll be there in a second!" Frisk exclaimed, stumbling over a few cardboard boxes on their way to the door, and then opened it, greeting whoever was outside with a "Sorry, it's a bit of a mess!"

"Well, neither of us were good at being tidy," Sam teased with a gentle smile, and Frisk's excitement quickly turned into confusion, how were they supposed to feel? "How's your little Chara feeling?"

"They got it out of their system, but still not so hot. They're asleep on the couch over there." Frisk replied, a little dryly, and Sam sighed. Frisk was still upset about everything that had happened, still unsure of how to feel about their mother coming back after leaving them alone for so long. She deserved a second chance, right?

"I'm sorry, you know? It won't change anything, and I can't go back and fix this, but I regret it. I was scared, confused and I made the wrong choice. It doesn't justify anything, but I'm sorry." Sam explained, awkwardly rubbing her neck and tapping her foot. "I want to try and make this up, as best I can."

"I can't say I completely forgive you right now, but the fact that you want to try and that you know you did something wrong.. It's something, and it's more than what I had from you a few months ago." Frisk gave their mother a gentle smile, and invited them inside. Although it wasn't a rule that applied to Chara and Frisk anymore, it still applied to Sam. And Sam had a.. Plastic grocery bag?

"Thanks, I.. I really appreciate that." Sam laughed, stepping inside and looking around at the messy state that the house was in, "So I was thinking that after all of this mess for the past few days, that you and Chara deserve a bit of a break. So when Chara is feeling better.. You two ought to go on a date."

"Oh, I think that would be pretty nice.." Frisk laughed awkwardly, a slight blush creeping up their neck. Talking to their mother about this was going to be a little weird. "Did you want to help set things up or..?"

"I was actually wondering if you remembered those sugar cookies we used to get when the weekend rolled around? The ones that were kind of like little cakes, with icing?" Sam asked, gesturing to the grocery bag in her hand.

"Did you actually buy those?? Those are so good, I love them!" Frisk exclaimed, reaching for the bag. Sam laughed when Frisk looked in and didn't find cookies, but an array of different ingredients and a slip of paper, presumably a recipe.

"No, I'm afraid I didn't buy them." Sam said with a grin, "I was hoping we could spend some time together and make them."

"Oh, that sounds fun! I did finish tidying up the kitchen to some extent, so we could just do that here." Frisk nodded, taking the bag to the kitchen and setting it down on the counter before taking everything out. Sam pulled a black leather case and a blue sketch book from her jacket and set it down on the couch next to Chara.

>>>Baking Start

After maybe half an hour had passed, with a ridiculous amount of antics in the kitchen, including but not limited to: Dancing in the kitchen, terrible measurements, trying to eat the dough and icing, and Frisk whacking Sam with a wooden spoon, the cookies were placed on sheets and put in the oven to bake. It was.. A better time than Frisk had expected. Their mother was just as fun, ridiculous and delightful as they had remembered, like she hadn't changed at all. They knew that she had, she had changed a great deal. Then, Frisk remembered something.

"What did Darcy want to talk to you about..?" Frisk asked slowly, looking at Sam curiously, who was now sitting in one of the chairs at the kitchen table, "And what did he mean with that last thing he said to me?"

"Darcy is a bit of a strange guy, I'm not going to lie, and it's always hard to tell just what he wants and what he means." Sam admitted with a small shrug. She felt bad for saying that, even if it wasn't fully a lie. "He just wanted to talk to me about your father, and, well.. You. We used to be friends with Darcy before.. You know, the accident."

Frisk knew the accident, alright. At least, the fact that there was an accident and that the accident had led to the death of their father, although they knew next to nothing about the actual events of the accident, "Oh.. Why did he want to talk about that?" Frisk asked.

"Well, to be honest.. He wants to quit his job, I think. Cause of your father was, well.. You're kind of his only shot at getting out of the job unless he keels over." Sam answered honestly, Frisk deserved to know the truth, and that question was about to be asked..

"Who was he?" Frisk asked slowly, unsure if they really wanted to know the answer. Though they supposed that they would find out one day, and they were as ready as they were ever going to be to find out the truth, to find out why all of this had happened.

"Your father was, well.." Sam gulped, and gathered up the last of her strength, "Your father was the human king.. The one who decided to lock the monsters underground, meaning. .Your grandfather is the one who started the war. They both died for it."

"Oh..." Frisk nodded slowly. That might have been why they had to go into hiding in the first place. Although humans had won the war, locking the monsters underground was an incredibly controversial decision, and there were a few extremist groups that were targeting the people who chose to do it, and their families.

"Yeah.. Look, I've already talked this over with Chara's parents and they know that you're different. In their eyes, you've already paid the debt." Sam explained quickly, noticing the tone of Frisk's voice. "And that's another thing Darcy was saying.. Since you're technically the heir to the human throne, and Chara is an heir to the monster throne.. Well, nevermind. That's something to worry about another day."

With that, a goodbye hug and a casual salute, Sam left Frisk alone with their cookies and their sick little Chara to think about everything that had just happened. The good parts, and the not so good parts

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