To Catch a Killer

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"You sure about this? It might be really dangerous. You saw what this psycho is capable of doing." Chara warned, gripping at Frisk's shoulder. It wasn't that they didn't think Frisk could handle themselves, quite the opposite actually, but they didn't want to see them hurt. Frisk had something that was very obviously wanted, and what lengths this killer would go to get it back was something Chara didn't know.

"I have faith in my friends." Frisk replied with a simple shrug, giving Chara a small hug before stepping out of the vehicle. "And I know you have my back if anything doesn't go the way we planned."

Frisk could hear Chara grumble something as they took in a deep breath of the frigid night. From their coat pocket, they pulled out the small pink blanket and walked down the streets of the late night city. Frisk couldn't help but get caught up in the walk; the moon was shining bright above them, and stars were sprinkled about the night sky. The clouds around the moon shifted in the breeze, and next to the moon they were an almost deep blue color, like the sea. Perhaps it was the vampire in them, but the night was beautiful. Being able to walk about it in the night just made them happy; where they were going did not, however.

Arriving at the orphanage, Frisk saw a small child sitting in the cold outside of the burnt ruins. The child had hair that could challenge the length of Rapunzel's, but it was much, much messier. It looked as if the child's hair had not been brushed or cared for in the entire span of their life, however long that may be. They were a scrawny kid as well, from what Frisk could see, and unhealthily so. Maybe this wouldn't be as hard as they thought.

"We know that you're there.. Are you here to give it back? Or are you going to try and stop me like some kind of idiot?" The child spoke only just above a whisper, loud enough for Frisk to hear as they stepped closer.

"You're hurting people, and it's my job to protect the people. All of them, even the ones I don't like. I want to make a deal with you, how does that sound?" Frisk asked gently, taking another step closer. The child had no response for a moment, and Frisk felt no need to press any farther until they felt the need to reply.


"I'll return this blanket to you, I know how important it is, but then you have to do something for me. I want you to come with me, back to the palace. There are other kids there, kids that are just like you." Frisk urged, finally stepping in front of the child and showing them the blanket they held in their hands.

"I'm not a child.. I have been alive, if you could call it alive, for a span of time that you couldn't begin to understand. I've seen every timeline, every world.. But alright. I'll take your deal, trickster." The not-a-child said, standing up and snatching the blanket out of Frisk's hands. "Lead the way."

Happy with their deal, Frisk laid their hand on their shoulder, "So.. What's your name? I think you know mine."

"We don't want to have small talk with you." They snapped, folding their arms in an angry stance. Then they smirked, reaching into their back pocket and in the moonlight, Darcy could see the glimmer of a blade's edge. With the drop of his hand, the weapon fired and a scream pierced the night, unholy enough to rip itself into the void.

Just as the two scientist's said it would, the hook latched onto the killer and ripped their soul from their body. In horror Frisk watched as the soul was beginning to drip with the black goo that set a curse on Chara and themselves. Screaming, the chain wrapped around the child, forcing the soul back into their body. In a blur before Frisk's eyes, the rest of the guard swept in and hauled the child away.


"Father, has the underground been emptied? The killer has been caught and we need somewhere safer than the surface to keep them." Chara sighed, removing their helmet and running their hands through their hair, the red in their eyes glimmering.

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