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Whoever this bastard was, they obviously didn't realize the power in the kind of connection Chara and Frisk shared, and they must have underestimated how much Chara and Asriel had trained together. There was a kind of communication between the three that couldn't be seen or heard by their opponent, and with the heart of the Underground beating with them, the trio knew without a doubt that they would win.

Chara gave Frisk a nod and tapped the back of Asriel's leg with their blade. They all knew the plan, and it was time to do something. The figure opened their mouth to say something, and Chara jumped up with a twirl of their blade. Frisk slid underneath them, taking their boots in hand and tossing them up towards the shadowed figure at maximum velocity. Chara flipped mid-air, slamming their boot into the twisted wing of their opponent, and the chaos saber into the other. The demon growled and hissed in rage, kicking Chara in the chest and into the wall.

"How dare you?!" The demon bellowed, and the entire room began to tremble. Frisk ran to where Chara was falling and caught them just before the hit the ground, and the demon's clawed hands began to glow read.. It wasn't paying attention to Asriel.

"Hey buddy, you like skittles? Cause it's time for you to taste the rainbow!" Asriel taunted, something he had picked up from Chara while they were training and finished charging the chaos blaster. He dug into the ground to brace himself, and let loose a massive stream of magic that crackled with power. It was a direct hit on the demon's wing, and they spiraled out of control into the ground. The demon stood from the ground, and it's wing slowly began to reform.

"No one gave you permission to get back up!" Chara shouted out, running towards the demon with Frisk next to them. Although Frisk had no desire to fight, they would make sure that Chara stayed safe. Asriel remained in the background, bolts of lightning magic striking down from above towards the demon as it dodged the swings of Chara's blade. Pillars of metallic shadow were bursting forth from the ground, and as Chara's storm of attacks continued and the demon continued to dodge, Frisk pulled Chara out of the way from any potential danger. The entire room was a storm of electricity, darkness and chaos. Chara was fast, absurdly fast at that, and they were ruthless in their attack. And yet in the storm of lightning, chaos and shadow, the demon evaded all, countering with pillars of darkness and fire. Chara was getting angry.

"Why don't you just DIE?! You're standing in my way!" Chars screamed, cutting straight through the demon's block and stabbing into their shoulder. Chara jumped up and drop kicked them, wretching the blade free and falling into Frisk's arms. As the demon fell back, Asriel went in with his saber, but the demon turned and caught the blade, turning it to ash before slamming a knee into his gut.

"I will break your pathetic determination, Chara!" The demon snarled as Chara charged with a cry of battle, too fast for Frisk to pull them back. It was too late: A spike of darkness pierced Asriel, shot him back and pinned him to the wall. Chara's eyes began to glow a deep, crimson red, becoming sinister and misty. Frisk could feel a blood lust rising in Chara's soul, this fight had to end and it had to end now.

"Don't you know the truth? My mother isn't dead, you're in HER body! She's still around, and it doesn't have to be this way!" Frisk called out, pulling Chara back from the shadowy teeth that opened up from the ground, like a mouth ready to consume them. The demon's wing had finally repaired itself, and they took to the air once again.

"You pathetic, naïve child! Your mother is dead and gone, this body's mine and mine alone!" The demon growled and snarled, their mouth twisting to reveal sickeningly large and sharp teeth, coated and dripping in blood. The glow in the demon's hand had become devastatingly bright, and the attack was finally charged. The demon unleashed it on Asriel with a monstrous snarl, filled with rage and a lust for death. Asriel raised his arms in a last ditch attempt to block it, but it failed. He was being surrounded and burnt by the blood red magic.. So with the last of his power, he called down a hail of bright stars, each exploding into a bright dust against the ground. The demon had to quickly turn it's attention away from Asriel and towards the massive one hurdling towards it. The beam of crackling, red energy slammed into the star and it exploded into a hundred smaller ones.

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