Days To Forget

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Chara looked frantically about, surrounded by some sort of twisted, horrific existence. All around them, thick black tar oozed whilst the flower that had brought them over the edge peaked through, appearing to wear a diseased smirk. What sort of sentence to damnation was this? Chara had made some mistakes, but what in the name of the Goat Mom was happening?

More sad to say, the flowers were soon no longer the only thing bubbling out from the hot, sticky liquid. They saw... Things in there. Things that they had never wanted to see; they saw themselves, pulling about the strings of a marionette with a grin so wicked and eyes so deeply red that it made Chara quiver in a fear that dug down to their core. They couldn't stand to see this anymore, so they turned to run to be faced with something even more horrific.

Their name, scrawled in a signature of blood across a family portrait. Blood crossed out every face but one, and inscribed below it was the phrase "in due time." Fighting all urges to hide, Chara peered closer into the image to see the family in the portrait. It was their own family, everyone; even the ones they didn't like, but when their faces were blotted away in blood that didn't matter.

An eerie silence began to dawn on Chara as the black tar drained down the sides of their view of the world to be replaced by flowing, rivers of crimson. The "box" that Chara was in began to shrink, the walls of crimson closing in on them; they would be drowning in it soon. They had nowhere else to look but up, and they saw something they had never once thought of and could never have imagined would damage them in such a way.

They saw Frisk, laying motionless in the wooded forest, blanketed in snow. The snow was slowly but surely filling up with color, but not the color blood. It was black as the darkest night, and filled with something that could only be described as sheer terror. They wanted to reach out, they tried to; they couldn't. They saw, laying next to Frisk's body, a small yet thick branch that had been carved into a point, a point of which was now stained.

The crimson liquid was swelling over them now, they couldn't stay afloat, but they wanted to. They had to. What was going on? They had to know, they desperately clawed their way through the crimson that was surrounding them; sprawling about, furiously trying to reach Frisk. Chara called out their name, almost screamed it, but there was no answer. There was nothing to be said, when all was done and dead, for now they were falling. They were falling deep into the abyss that had claimed their soul once before. Falling, falling, falling but never free.

Until Chara awoke in a fit of tears and shrieks.

Once again they looked around in a spastic spur, to find themselves in their own home, with their mother at the side of the couch ready to help with anything she could. She must have been there the entire time, and by the looks of it, quite a while. There wasn't another noise in the house now, other than their mother offering a list of questions that Chara could hardly comprehend at the moment. All they could think about was the stained stake and the black seeping snow of the forest where Frisk was laying. Part of them said that it was little more than a dream, but Chara knew.. Chara knew, down in their blood, down to their soul that it was more than that.

So they rolled sluggishly off the couch, ignoring their mothers protests as they wobbled to their feat and headed to the door. It was until they reached the door that their mothers words finally began to process.

"Chara, my child! What are you doing? Please, what's happening?" She asked frantically, running up to them as they stumbled out of the door and on to the ground.

"Gotta.." Chara mumbled, forcing themselves back up their feat, "Gotta find Frisk."

"What do you mean? Frisk has just gone for a walk, it's fine! You're just feverish, please my child. Come back and rest." Mother protested, attempting to take Chara by the arm, but somehow, in their sluggishness, they managed to pull themselves away and stumble forward.

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