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"Where ya' goin' kid? You make quite an entrance and then storm off into the dead of night like there's no tomorrow. Heh.. Dead.." Sans laughed, snapping his boney fingers and tapping his slippers on the pavement as he followed this other, shorter, Chara. They stopped, stretched and turned around, a smile twisting across their lips.

"It isn't the dead of night, not yet. This city is still bustling with life and..." Chara sighed, taking in a deep breath of the autumn air, "We can smell them close by, so don't try to step up. You know who I am, you've watched my old timeline over and over.. You know what we're capable of. This is none of your concern, bone boy."

"Yeah, I've seen your timeline, and I remember what you did to my father in ours. Look, I'll admit, I'd rather not deal with you at all, but you're right.." Sans sighed, tapping his foot and look down, "I've seen what you're capable of, and I can't sit around and let it happen. Not my brother, not here."

Chara almost keeled over and passed out from laughing, and Sans stepped back, confused as to why this child was laughing as if he had let off one of his stellar puns. "What? What exactly do you find so amusing? I haven't cracked any knife jokes yet, and you're putting me on edge."

"You think... You think I'm here for YOU? For.. For monsters?" Chara stumbled between laughs, stretching out their back and wiping their eyes. "No, skeleton, I'm not here for any of you monsters. You were just a stepping stone for greater goals, and now that I've used you, I'm done. I don't care about monsters anymore, you're safe. Go home."

"How can I trust that, after everything I've seen you do?" Sans asked, pocketing his hands and looking up, tapping his feet nervously. Standing alone in an alley with Chara, this Chara in particular, was nerve-wracking.

"I have only two things to say to that.. One, because I have far more important things to do, and two.." Chara sighed, stepping off into the darkness, leaving their last word hanging in the air until.. A smile appeared behind Sans, "You can't trust me."


Frisk gently placed Chara on the sofa, undoing the ties in their hair and setting their tiara on the coffee table. They took of Chara's slippers, setting them down on the floor, and placed an ice-pack over their forehead. When Chara couldn't answer the mysterious child's question, they had simply approached and tapped the locket around their neck. There was a small burst of red light, and Chara collapsed to the ground as the child bounced away, although it was more like bouncing out a window, and Undyne, Sans and the royal guard chased after.

Darcy and his elite helped clean up the chaos in the ballroom, escorting everyone out and to their homes, while Alphys sent a text saying she heard about the events from Undyne and just put the final touches on something that would help the group track down the mysterious child, this other Chara. Frisk, however, was considerably more worried about Chara than this child who put them in their current state.

"There's no need to worry about me, Frisk.. I'm alright. Sleepy, albeit, but okay all the same. Where's your mom?" Chara coughed, slowly sitting up and leaning their shoulder against Frisk. Since none of the guard was around to see, they allowed themselves to show emotion and affection. Frisk sighed, taking off their crown and setting it down before wrapping their arms around Chara.

"Good, I'm glad you're okay, and.. Well, as for my mom.. I think she's with Alphys working on something. I'm not really-" Frisk was interrupted by the misty purple apparition of Sam floating up through the coffee table and doing mini flips in the air.

"Hello my child and now child in law! Happy wedding day!" Sam clapped, or rather, attempted to clap and frowned when not a sound was made. "Eh.. Anyway.. Alphys has finished upgrading a special little something that we're gonna use to find that angry little munchkin that looks kind of like your lover but smaller and like they haven't bathed in their entire life."

"What exactly have you two done..?" Chara sighed, burying their face in Frisk's shoulder and internally screaming. Frisk rubbed their sighed gently, feeling just how exasperated they were and that they just were not doing too hot at all.

"Alphys added some aesthetic and practical upgrades to everyone's favorite host.. Mettaton! We're calling him Mettaton Ex now but for dealing with that munchkin he's got a special button he can activate to change gear and become Mettaton Neo, which was Alphys' idea but it's pretty legit." Sam explained, doing those weird otter flips and rolls in the air afterward.

"No, no, no.. Why? That's not okay, no.. Oh my hell, no.." Chara groaned, repeating the phrases over and over while falling over across Frisk's lap. Frisk responded only by raising an eyebrow and looking up at their mom as the door was practically kicked down.

"Oh yes, darling! Alphys, that precious royal scientist, has given me the most fabulous upgrades I could ever imagine!" Mettaton declared in his smooth, showtime voice as electronic techno music began to play from speakers somewhere on his body. Sam floated by and gave him a would be high five, if they didn't float through him.

"I didn't authorize this, did you authorize this Frisk? I swear if you authorized this while I was busy I'm going to flip this table." Chara grumbled, their voice being muffled by the cushions of the couch. They didn't like Mettaton very much, and at the moment they were wondering exactly how difficult it would be to set him on fire.

"Nope, but Darcy did!" Sam declared, floating around everyone in circles, doing backstrokes, "Mettaton here has programs that'll be helpful in finding that munchkin, including but hardly limited to, something that'll track the specific soul type they have. Red, infused with magic, you know, the kind that leaves you with Crimson eyes, like yours, Chara."

"Wait.. Fabulous tin-man over here can track that, huh?" Chara asked, sitting up and leaning over the table, eyes burning with curiosity. Sam nodded in response. "Fantastic. I'll pass this authorization and forget about it if mechanical fabio over here can do me a little job."

"Frankly, I'm flattered that you would take interest." Mettaton replied dryly, much more emotion and tone in his voice than before, when he was a weird looking computer box. "Alright, I'll do whatever it is, it's a mission for the queen, quite fitting for someone of my stature."

Vamp!tale (Chara x Frisk)Where stories live. Discover now