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"I got the files you asked for. Turns out you were close to right, there was no way in hell this was a coincidence, but i'm assuming there's more to this than I saw?" Darcy asked, taking a puff of his pipe as he walked into the office and set the files onto their desk. Family records, birth certificates, orphanage registration, medical history.. All that good stuff.

"Thank you Baron.." Frisk drew in a deep breath and flipped through the files, gazing over the dates and names on the paper. As they thought, the victims where the family that put Chara up for adoption 18 years ago. "Could you send Doctor Alphys to my office when you can? I need to talk to her about something important."

"Consider it done." Darcy replied, taking his pipe from his lips and heading out to the door. However, he stopped for a moment to ponder choice of words before he spoke again, "Have you seen what Chara has been up to lately? I might consider it cause for.. Alarm? Or question of their sanity."

"Oh.. What exactly have they done this time?" Frisk sighed, setting down the files and folding their arms across their chest. Judging by his tone of voice, it wasn't the same situation as last time Chara did something that was 'cause for alarm.' but something a bit more curious.

"You've got about 6 adopted children now. Toodles!" Darcy snickered, sliding out the door and shutting it, leaving Frisk alone with their thoughts. 6 adopted children?? How in the hell did that happen? And more importantly, why?

~Earlier that day~

"Chara what the fuck." Darcy said bluntly, gesturing his pipe out to the courtyard where Mettaton was waiting, arms crossed and standing in front of a group of children, ages varying from 6 to 15. He had no idea what they were planning, but frankly they were too exhausted to deal with any of this.

"Look, trust me, it's important. For someone like that lunatic on the loose, these kids might be very real targets. They're just kids, Darcy. Kids without families, kids like me. I try to be cool and disconnected, but this.. These guys have nobody due to something they can't control, and.. I think they can help us." Chara stated firmly, the burning crimson of their eyes softening, if just for a moment.

"Does Frisk know you decided to adopt a bunch of toddlers? And one angsty teenager? I feel like this is something important that needs to be shared? I mean, that's just me but, uh.. You know what they say, it takes a village to.. Whatever the saying is." Darcy waved about his pipe in exasperation, knowing there was no way he could sway their mind.

"Yeah, yeah, its fine. You have to swing by their office later so do you mind delivering the news? Thanks a million." Chara answered, not even waiting for Darcy to reply before heading outside to the courtyard to dismiss mettaton and greet the children that were waiting in the courtyard. Darcy sighed, shook his head and walked off, leaving Chara to their antics.

Chara's first thoughts of seeing the group were rather bland, but sarcastic all the same. Upon a closer count, they noted that there were, in fact, six children in the yard, and that Darcy can't count for shit. Probably because he was high on something or other. Taking in a deep breath, Chara approached the group with an uncharacteristically gentle smile. "So.. you're probably wondering why you've been brought here, right?"

"Beats the hell out of me.." The older kid muttered under their breath, but one of the smaller children, maybe 5 years old at best, began to jump up and down in excitement.

"The big fancy metal man said you were going to adopt us!! Jenny didn't believe it but I knew it would be true cause, you might try to be a big scary meanie but you're a cuddly softie! Its fact!!" She practically squealed, and Chara couldn't help but laugh as the older kid, Jenny presumably, rolled their eyes.

"Well.. It's true! If you wish, that is.. You'll be part of the royal family, and you can stay here at the palace." Chara smiled, lowering and taking off their shades to show the group their own deep crimson eyes. "You see, I'm very much like all of you.. And I don't want any of one you to grow up like me."

"So you're gonna be like.. Our mom?!?!" The child sitting on Jenny's shoulders exclaimed, waving their hands towards Chara's hair as the others ran into hug their legs, and it made Chara smile the most genuine smile, warm and soft; a mother's smile. Although much more distrusting, the eldest child, Jenny, seemed to have no complaints.

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