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The sun was on the rise now, and Frisk had fallen asleep snuggled up next to Chara while they stared up into the sky, contemplating.. Well, everything in all honesty. It amazed them just how much their life had changed, but there was still something they didn't know. What had happened to them before their accident, and why were these nightmares plaguing them?

Chara was certain that none of this had ever happened to them, so why was it something that felt so real during their episodes, during their nightmares? They felt like it was just something to shrug off as a bad dream, but they just couldn't. Something burnt inside them, something telling them just how possible it was, just how capable of horror they really were. Did that make them the demon everyone thought they were? If not, then what did it make them, what did any of it mean? Things like this don't happen without reason, and yet these reasons seemed to be lost on Chara, and lost on the world when the lab had been destroyed.

But maybe that was for the best. Maybe it was best that Chara never knew the truth behind any of it, and simply let the memories die, as everyone thought they would eventually. Although Chara wasn't convinced, they had no better plan to offer. It was curious to them, though, as Frisk was going through something incredibly similar, and although they hid it well, Chara knew that this town was bringing back memories that might not have been their own. Be it as it may, Frisk was sleeping peacefully now, and it was time to go back to the house.

So, with a long sigh, Chara stood and scooped Frisk up into their arms, using their boot to fold up the blanket and shove the rack into the bag. They knelt down slowly, being sure not to disturb Frisk, and picked up the bag. They then tossed the blanket on top of Frisk and set their art supplies on them as well. That was when Chara noticed the name sewn on to the leather case in a brilliant gold.. And they noticed their own last name. Chara blushed furiously, although no one could seem, and walked back to the house with happy thoughts in their head.

When they arrived outside the house, there was a small crowd gathered outside. Well, a crowd for Chara's taste, which was only four. Mother, Father, Sam and Asriel the potted plant. Chara sighed, wondering just what their family was doing up this early and why they were outside the house.

"So.. You're going to be moving out, Chara?" Mother asked softly when Chara approached, and they could already feel the guilt set in. Mother was so nice and sweet, and might have been crushed by one of her children leaving the nest, even if Chara wasn't their biological child.

"Well.. I suppose so, yes." Chara answered delicately, looking up at their mother and father, "Frisk and I decided that it would be best if we lived together, on our own. Cause of these new mishaps, I guess, our lifestyle has changed a lot and we just thought it would be for the best, you know?"

"Oh yeah, it makes sense." Sam said with a shrug, but quickly narrowed her eyes towards Chara, "You just take care of my child, alright?"

"You know I will." Chara nodded confidently, looking down at Frisk, who was still sound asleep in their arms with a blanket and their supplies resting gently on their stomach. Sam sighed, and made a waving gesture with her hand towards the door, as if to give their approval.

"And hey, you better swing by for dinner now that you two are capable of eating things." Asriel said with a light chuckle, "Or I guess it would be breakfast for you, with your strange new sleeping schedule."

"Yeah, I think your mother would like that very much!" Father nodded, looking down at Asriel in his potted plant, whom he was carrying.

"And, my child, if you ever feel the need or want to return home with us, you're always welcome to! No matter what, you'll always be the little human who fell from the heavens to me, and you'll always be my child." Mother walked up and ruffled Chara's hair with a soft and brilliant smile. It warmed Chara's heart to hear those words, and the glowing heart that floated above Chara and Frisk really reflected just what they were feeling, something bitter sweet.

"So, we'll be headed to the city again with Undyne, Papyrus and Sans.. And we were wondering if you would mind having your brother around until we return?" Mother asked, and Asriel made a shrugging motion with his leaves.

"Yeah, that's cool. I'm probably just gonna have a glass of water, watch some TV and go to sleep or something. It might be a bit boring for him." Chara shrugged casually, adjusting their hold on the sleeping Frisk in their arms, along with the plastic bag, which Sam noticed and quickly took back from them.

"Ah, nice. I need a relaxing day and some quality TV." Asriel said with a casual laugh, his petals moving about as he did so. So, with that, Sam opened the door to the house and Chara went inside with Frisk, laying them down on the couch as Father followed, gently putting Asriel on to the coffee table. Everyone said their goodbyes, and left the siblings alone in the house while Frisk slept soundly on the couch. Chara found it rather funny that Frisk hadn't woken up, and they decided to tuck them in, giving them a gentle pat on the head.

Chara yawned, messing with all the cables and cords of the TV and DVD player before taking the first disk of Season One of Game of Thrones and putting in. They turned on the TV, adjusted the volume, grabbed the remote and plopped down next to Frisk, snuggling up against them. It was at that point that Chara realized Frisk was, in fact, not asleep, when they had turned to face them, eyes open with a wide grin.

"I saw the name sewn into your pencil case, cutie." Chara teased gently, booping their own nose against Frisk's. Frisk blushed, looked away for a moment, and then turned back to Chara, who was expecting some sort of retort. Instead, Frisk pulled Chara close and pressed their lips together in a deep kiss, which was beginning to escalate into what one might consider to be a make out session, and it probably would have reached that if.. Someone had interrupted.

Asriel cleared their throat loudly, and both Chara and Frisk froze, "Howdy there, love birds. You know, you two have your own bedroom if you want some privacy. Just, actually start the episode before you go, 'kay?"

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