Council and Chain

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"Chara, I can't believe you adopted six children. If you keep up these kind of behaviors, taking in orphans and what-not, people might get to see the heart of gold underneath all of that grumpy." Frisk laughed, leaning back at their desk and taking a moment before the council arrived.

"They aren't just orphans, Frisk! You know? If you'd take some time off tomorrow and meet them, I'm sure you would love each and every one of them." Chara encouraged, hoping that Frisk might agree. With a sigh, they continued, "Do you remember what it was like? I know it wasn't even that long ago, only a little more than a decade, but it seems so.. Distant. I remember, when I was only five, how scared of myself I was because of the things I could do. Because of it, nobody ever liked me. Growing up alone is something I know you understand, and these kids are all so much like us, like me. I see a piece of myself in all of them, and I want to give them a happy life.. You know? I'll be a grumpy grouch to everyone else, cause that's part of me too. This, though? This is bigger than that. Does that.. Does that make sense?"

Frisk nodded and smiled, "What did I tell you? Heart of gold." Was all they got to say before there was a knock on the council room door and it began to open. Frisk stood, running their hands through Chara's hair before they donned their helmet and sat down. Frisk remained standing as their council streamed into the room and took their seats. Alphys, Darcy, Sam, Undyne, Toriel, Asgore and Washua. Washua didn't really talk, but was in charge of keeping the entire kingdom clean.

"Welcome everyone to the council, and I'm afraid this session is going to be grim. Darcy, give us the report on what happened this morning on patrol." Frisk said politely with a curt nod towards Darcy, who was no longer allowed to have his pipe in the council room. It seemed he was bored half to death without it.

"Yes, that.. Nasty business, you see. I was going with Undyne and Papyrus on patrol throughout the city, giving them the lay of the land, you know? Cause if they're going to move the royal guard to the capital city, as I recommended, then they're going to have to know what's what and where's where. I even took them to that old doughnut shop, Sam do you-" He was cut off sharply but a low growl from Chara. "Yes, quite so. Anyway.. On patrol, after doughnuts, we saw one of the lodge buildings with the door busted down and the lights flickering. So, I take the two into investigate and what we found? Oh heavens, it was.. It was grizzly.."

"It was a murder scene, a brutal one at that. I'm a fighter, and I'll kill for what's right and just.. But this was just sick. It was put on display, like you humans would put up sculptures and art or whatever." Undyne pitched in with an unusually grim expression.

"Why would anyone do such a thing? What did these poor creatures do to deserve treatment like this?" Toriel asked in alarm, greatly disturbed by the mere idea of Undyne's words.

"I-i did some.. S-some research on the area and.. Y-you know? It turns out.. T-the people there are.. Are an anti-monster group.. T-they.. Hate monsters, with a passion.." Alphys spoke up nervously, tapping her claws repetitively on the table.

"Yes that's true. I saw some of the clothing they wore, as well. They had ugly red hats with the phrase make our kingdom great again, and a practical shrine to the barrier." Darcy snorted at the last idea, as if these idiots could make a new barrier to stop monsters.

"They are still living creatures, as hateful as they may be. This kingdom and council promises to protect all life in our domain, the killer has to be stopped." Asgore declared, confident in a deep voice but a touch of gentleness that really proves where the nickname Fuzzbuns came from.

"You're absolutely right Father. We have the bait to lure them out, so I say we get on with this before anything else happens." Chara sat up in their chair as they spoke, clearing their voice in such a way that it radiated dominance throughout the room. "Is the trap done?"

"Of course. Alphys is the most brilliant scientist I've ever met, this was an easy task for her with a little bit of my research. Have a look, we call it the anti-determination chain, or ADC for short." Sam laughed, as Alphys laid out a small device on the table. The image of a long, twisted and strange looking chain with a hook at the end hovered above for all to see.

"Once.. Uhm, Once the h-hook hits a target with a r-red soul.. It.. It l-latches on and it.. I-it. injects the target soul with.. The.. The same stuff in Chara and Frisk's b-blood that breaks down determination.. It.. It, every so often.. So it.. Weakens them and.. Then wraps itself around the target so.. T-they can't run." Alphys stammered, constantly looking over at Chara in fear. Everyone knew Chara's red soul happened to be unpredictable, too.. And after their last rampage? The implication of using that against Chara weighed heavy.

Chara was going to have this idea purged from existence after they were through with it.

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