Making Friends

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"Alright, Frisk. Come on out, and follow me." Chara yawned, knocking on the door gently. They could hear them falling off the bed in an awkward crash, and the scraping noise of them climbing up to their feat.

"I'm coming." Frisk replied, slowly opening the door and brushing their hair out of their face.

"If you say so. Follow." Chara said sternly, once again trying to cover up the fact that they had feelings. They weren't exactly sure why, though, considering they had already admitted to Frisk that they did. While Frisk was a bat, of course. Whether or not they remembered was left to debate, despite Frisk insisting that they did.

"Alright.." Frisk whispered, staying close on Chara's heel as they lead them to the kitchen. This was a new and unfamiliar place, and they wanted to stay close to something that was familiar. Which was odd to think about, considering they had just met Chara. Yet, they felt like they already knew them very well. For instance, they figured out their favorite food through the taste of their blood; which, for some reason, didn't taste like they thought blood would taste like. Chara's blood tasted like hot chocolate, with something like coffee in it. Bitter yet sweet and delectable. Chara themselves were pretty delectable as well, which would be more complementing if it didn't make them sound like dinner, which they technically were.

Either way, and for what ever reason, Frisk was able to tell a lot about Chara through their little snack, and had gotten a little attatched. Like something of theirs that had to be protected, like territory. Except it was more than that, they were more than an object. The vampire in them wanted to consider Chara as just dinner, but.. Frisk still had a very human nature. They figured the territorialism came with the package, along with the turning into a bat and the need for blood.

"Jeez, Frisk. Take a step back, you're like, right on top of me." Chara groaned, pushing Frisk by the shoulder to get them a little farther away.

"You didn't seem to mind that a little while ago." Frisk countered with a grin before realizing what it was that they had just said. Frisk had no idea they could flirt, it wasn't like they had ever done that before.

"That.. That is entirely different. Come on!" Chara blushed furiously, grabbing Frisks hand and pulling them into the kitchen before letting go, "This is Frisk. The not-actually-a-human human that Papyrus here was talking about."

"Hi there." Frisk smiled, scooting just a little closer to Chara, back into their comfortable 'territory', as Frisk had marked them through their bite as their own. Which meant that they would probably want to feed off of them again some time. Hopefully Chara wouldn't mind, they didn't seem to earlier.

"So that's where you got off to. I didn't know you had your own short cuts, I was going to take you here myself." Sans laughed, as if he hadn't seen Frisk turn into a bat and leave with Chara. Or maybe he just didn't know that the bat was Frisk.

"I see you've already met my child, Chara. My name is Toriel." Chara's mother said, and Frisk looked between the two. One of them looked kind of like a humanoid goat, and Chara was obviously human. They decided that asking was probably not in their best interest, so they turned back to the goat mom, "And Chara has said some.. Interesting things about you, young one."

"Yes! Very interesting!" The other skeleton declared, "They said that you were not.. Human! But you look human!"

"Not everything is as it seems, Pap." Sans pointed out, "It's like a puzzle."

"Ah! A puzzle! But what is the answer to this one?" Papyrus asked, leaning over and looking at Frisk.

"Come now, I don't think this child could be a vampire! They are too innocent for that sort of thing." Goat mom laughed, stepping forward and ruffling Frisk's hair, they couldn't help but giggle a little.

"Mom. They bit me, like a juice box. Like a tasty snack. I don't hold this against them but ya know, after the whole bat fiasco..." Chara pointed out, raising an eyebrow at the group, confused why they didn't entirely believe that Frisk was a vampire.

"Maybe they just like biting, kiddo." Sans laughed.

"Bat fiasco? What ever do you mean?" Toriel asked curiously, turning to Chara.

"Well.. I found a bat in one of the halls outside the house, so I took it home and fell asleep on my bed. When I woke up, Frisk was there and the bat was gone and.. I had the bite marks on my neck. Not to mention, they did it again." Chara explained, eying Frisk as they told the story.

"Is this true..?" Toriel turned to Frisk.

"Well, yes.. Yes it is." Frisk looked down and away, feeling ashamed of what they had done.

"Maybe they're just playing a joke! Sans? Did you help them with this joke?" Papyrus said thoughtfully, turning to his brother.

"Nah, if there was a joke going on and I was apart of it, I think I would be aware." Sans answered, "But maybe they are."

"What? No." Chara sighed, rolling their eyes.

"Hey! Chara! Your friend finally stopped being a bat! How cool is that?!" Asriel practically yelled out, running into the kitchen to hug his mother. Chara sighed, but began to laugh when they turned to see Frisk jumping up and falling backwards in shock, right before a dark puff of smoke engulfed them. After the fog cleared, a small bat was flying around, heading straight for Chara's shoulder.

"Oh.." Asriel looked down, "Did I scare your friend again?"

"It would appear so, Asriel. It would appear so." Chara nodded, reaching over with their opposite hand to pet the bat that rested on their shoulder.

"Well that was certainly something. I guess its safe to say that Frisk.. Really isn't human. That's funny, though. I swear I've met everyone that lives in our kingdom." Toriel concluded, confused at exactly who the bat was in their kitchen and where they had come from.

"Wowie! Not only do they make an adorable human, but a cute and tiny bat! It's like a double feature!" Papyrus exclaimed.

"That sure is one way to look at it." Sans laughed.

"Well, my child, you should take your friend somewhere quiet for them to calm down and... Do what ever it is they need to do to stop being a bat." Toriel said to Chara, giving them a gentle push out the door before turning to Asriel.

"Well, come on then, you pain in the neck." Chara sighed, heading back to their room with Frisk on their shoulders, but not before their father stopped them at the door.

"Good afternoon, Chara! How as your day been? Uh, wait.. When did we get a bat? How did we get a bat?" Father questioned, leaning down and attempting to pet Frisk, who was more than happy to step out of the way and move to Chara's other shoulder.

"Well, they're not just a bat and they're also a little shy. I'm taking them to our room, you should talk to mom and Asriel about this." Chara sighed, not wanting to deal with any of this conversation at the moment.

"Ah, if you insist." Father nodded, turning down the hall, "Tori! When did we get a bat that's not just a bat?"

Chara rolled their eyes, heading into their room and shutting the door before laying down on their bed, setting Frisk down on the pillow.

"So.. I guess its just us, again. You really need to learn how to control turning into a bat, this is ridiculous." Chara spoke with a hollow voice, not really having the energy to socially converse, even if Frisk couldn't reply at the current moment. Of course, they could just obnoxiously move from the pillow and back on to their shoulder again, which is what they were currently doing, but... Chara didn't care to fight it right now.

"Alright, fine. You can perch on my shoulder or collar or what not, just don't bite me, thanks." Chara said grumpily, and picked up on of their books and began to read while the little bat Frisk found a way to hang from their collar again.

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