Having a "Bat" Time

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"Wow.. Looks like someone's gonna be having a bat time." Sans joked, looking up at the bat that was now flying in aggressive circles around his head, making incoherent screaming noises.

"Sans?! What did I do?! Where did you friend go?!" Asriel questioned at a thousand miles per hour, looking around in complete bewilderment.

"Uhm.. Well, I think you startled them a little." Sans answers, "And now they're a bat? I dunno, it's been that kind of day."

"That's so cool! But.. How do they stop being a bat?" Asriel asked curiously, looking up at Frisk as they flew around.

"That's a good question. I'm sure they'll figure it out." Sans laughs to himself, but quickly stops as he sees Chara step out of the shadows and looking at the bat. Almost instinctively, the bat stopped flying around like a maniac and headed straight for Chara. Well, Chara's neck to be more specific, and started munching to no avail, not even able to break the skin.

"Chara! I didn't know bats liked you! This is so cool!" Asriel says excitedly, running over to Chara to get a closer look at the bat that was resting on their shoulder, still attempting to bite them.

"I wouldn't say the bat likes ME, more like they like the idea of trying to eat me. For dinner." Chara yawns, almost bored with the situation. Which was entirely untrue, but they didn't really have any desire to be around all of these idiots at the moment, "So, I think I'm just gonna head back to my room. Cya."

"Sans! Where's the new human?!" Papyrus yells out, running into the hallway just as Chara leaves with Frisk the Bat on their shoulder, while Sans contemplates and processes everything that's going on, deciding that he was too hungry to deal with this kind of nonsense.

Chara's Room

"I don't know where Sans managed to get a bat, but you're pretty cute. I always liked bats. Just don't get telling anyone I said that, or they might suspect I have feelings or something like that. Nah, you're just a cute little bat. That wants to eat me, for some odd reason, but ya know.. It's not working so I don't care." Chara says to themselves, petting the bat on their shoulder as they opened the door to their room and sat down on their bed. The bat began to squeak.

"I know you're hungry, so I'll uh.. Go get you a piece of fruit from the fridge or something. Well, that would be if you're a fruit bat. I don't really know what type of bat you are, so I guess we'll find out." Chara says, gently taking the bat off of their shoulder and setting it down gently on their bed, patting its head before getting up and heading to the kitchen. Mom and Dad were probably busy, doing all these king and queen duties and what not, since no one else was at home. Chara takes a tomato out of the fridge, and puts it in a bowl with a snail, hoping that the bat would try to eat at least one of these things.

Chara steps back into their room, locking the door before sitting down on the bed and looking around. The bat had taken its leave of the bed and was flying around, but when it saw Chara, it flew back and looked into the bowl, confused.

"Eat. You're cute, but you can't just keep biting me all the time. It's weird." Chara sighs, looking down at the bat. It looks between Chara and the food for a moment, and decides to bite down into the tomato. It turns to ash, crumbling into the bowl and sticking to the snail, and the bat looks up at Chara.

"Uhm..." Chara mumbles, staring in complete confusion. This wasn't something that happened with normal bats, so what the hell was this? "I don't know what to tell you here... I guess you can just keep biting me while I read up on bats?"

The bat seemed happy with this proposal, climbing back onto Chara's shoulder as they set the bowl down on their nightstand and grabbed a book of the shelf before sitting down on their bed, leaning back against all of their pillows. At first, the bat continued its vain attempts to eat at Chara's neck, but eventually gave up and snuggled up against the warmth of Chara's sweater.

Yet, as Chara read, they found absolutely no information on anything that might explain what kind of bat they were dealing with, and concluded that this wasn't any normal bat. A vampire bat, maybe? But, although those bat's did drink blood, they didn't turn other things that they tried to eat into ash, and there was no way that this was an actual vampire. Chara looked down, and noticed that the bat was hanging off of the collar of their shirt and was now sound asleep. Chara put the book down and shut their eyes, deciding that maybe a nap was a good idea.

When they woke up, they found something that was... A little shocking, to say the least. The bat was gone, and the only thing snuggling up against them was a brown haired human in a blue sweater, who had decided to wrap themselves around Chara and bury their face in their neck. Which was.. Another noticeable thing, Chara felt a sharp stinging pain in their neck, and although life was quite the pain, this felt like it was coming from something else.

Chara groaned, taking their hand and feeling the spot on their neck. It was cold and.. Sticky. Chara pulled their hand away and looked at it. Blood. Did the bat finally get through with biting them? But then, where was the bat? Who the fuck was laying on them now? Chara was pretty frustrated about losing their bat, so they shook the person that was laying on them awake.

"Mmm... No, five more minutes.." They mumbled, nuzzling themselves into Chara again.

"I don't know you, get off of me right now." Chara grumbled, pushing the other person off of them and on to the other side of the bed. They yelped in confusion, sitting up quickly and looking around.

"Where am I?" They asked, looking around in confusion, blinking their eyes back to light.

"Gee, I thought you would know where you are, considering you climbed into MY bed and started.. Cuddling..." Chara shuddered at the thought of it. Well, more so at the thought of the fact that they kind of enjoyed it, "And you stole my bat! And bit me!"

"Oh..." They murmured, opening their mouth a little and wiping their tongue across their teeth. There were two oddities that Chara noticed. One of them was that this other creature seemed to have apparent fangs, and the other was that there was blood on those fangs. This creature had in fact bitten Chara and... Drank some of their blood. Great. Chara never thought they'd be used as a human juice box, but apparently that was wrong.

"Sorry... I was hungry..." They mumbled, looking down in shame.

"Yeah, yeah. Forget about it." Chara sighed, "What's your name?"

"Frisk." They answered, looking back up.

"Well, hello. I think you should know my name, all things considered, so... My name is Chara." Chara reasons, "Now. Where's the bat, or are you the bat?"

"I'm the bat." Frisk answers softly.

"Oh." Chara nods to themselves, "How much do you remember from being a bat, exactly?"


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