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Chara sat on their bed, gently stroking the fury little bat, Frisk. Asriel was probably in the kitchen, helping Mom and Dad cook dinner while Sans and Papyrus probably left to return to snowdin. Chara had a lot of questions now, and a lot of things that needed to be solved. Where did Frisk come from, how did they get here? And most of all, why? Why would someone like Frisk, someone who has to live off the blood of HUMANS, be in a place with practically no humans?

Yet, these weren't the only things that Chara wanted to know. See, Chara has always been rather detached from the world, never feeling true belonging no matter where they went. Sure, they had emotions and they could feel things just like any one else could, they just.. Didn't. Chara loved Toriel and Asgore, their adoptive parents since they fell into the underground as a child, and loved their brother as well. It wasn't that they were incapable of loving and feeling, but they were bored and above all, empty.

Empty may have been the only word to ever describe what Chara felt. Their heart was empty, and as capable of emotion and love as it was, it had nothing inside to make it so. It wasn't as if Chara didn't want to feel full, didn't want to really feel their emotions, rather than them being mere words and ideas.

What Chara really wanted to know, truly wanted to know, was what had changed when they woke up to find Frisk. Waking up then was like waking up from a dark dream, waking up to the light. They began to feel things rather than think them, and the first thing they truly and honestly felt was embarrassment. Chara wasn't even mad about it, though, it made them feel alive, real and part of this world.

Was that why Chara let Frisk use them like a juice box? How could they have been so sure that Frisk wouldn't kill them? As Chara thought about it, the answer became more and more obvious. Chara could just look into Frisk's eyes and see,truly see, that there could never be foul attempt in that soul. So maybe that was why they were down here... Chara had to know for sure, though. Chara wanted to know everything they could about this mysterious vampire; everything.

Slowly, a puff of smoke began to ooze out from Chara's shoulder and form the vague shape of a humanoid, and slowly the dark smoke grew color; shades of blue and dark brown. It began to take a more defined shape, new colors pooling in; a pale olive skin tone, pink-ish lips. Soon the smoke was no more, and laying on top of Chara was Frisk, fully in their human form, nuzzling their nose into the crook of Chara's neck.

"What's stressing you out?" Frisk mumbled, tightening themselves around Chara. They weren't sure why they were acting like this, they had never acted so close to anyone else before. Yet, it almost made sense if you stopped trying to make it human. Frisk had marked Chara as 'prey' through their first bite, and now they would continue to 'desire' Chara. This was probably the same thing that was allowing Frisk to be able to grasp on to what Chara was feeling. In another light, these things would be brilliant for hunting down a victim. Knowing their fears, their plans, knowing exactly what to do to get them to play into your trap for your next meal.

"Nothing. Why do you ask?" Chara replied stiffly, tightening their body in response to Frisk's actions. There it was again, there was that feeling.. That strange, odd and almost desirable feeling. Or maybe it really was desirable, but Chara honestly didn't know.

"You feel stressed, like you're going to burst if you don't do.. Something." Frisk explained, still trying to get the hang of what they were doing. They knew that something was bothering Chara, but they couldn't feel what it was.

"I'm just... I have a lot of questions, a lot of things I want to know." Chara answered, trying to avoid Frisks' gaze when they pushed themselves out of their neck to get face to face with them.

"Ask away. I have a feeling I have the answers you want." Frisk smiled gently, rolling off of Chara and sitting up in their bed, hoping to make Chara more comfortable. Something seemed wrong.

"Why are you here? Don't you belong somewhere, have somewhere to be..?" Chara asked with a heavy sigh, reluctant and practically unwilling to ask the other questions that they head on their mind.

"I don't.." Frisk answered solemly, "I have nowhere to be, nowhere to go back to."

"So why come here, of all places? You could never..." Chara started, but stopped mid sentence when they saw the look on Frisk's face, crestenfallen and worn, a lightness in their face and a slight tremble, and the answer became rather clear, "Oh. You couldn't survive down here. That's why you came."

"In a way, yes." Frisk nodded, it was now their turn to look away in reluctance, "In truth, I had hoped the fall would do it... But I was wrong. I thought that I was going to starve down here, and I was wrong again. I don't want to live a life that requires me to hurt other people, I already feel terrible about what I did to you."

"Don't, I told you that you could, and if my little donation gets to keep you around.. I'm going to keep being okay with it. As long as you don't need to eat as often as people do, or that might be.. But, I doubt that. I did a little reading on.. You know, never mind." Chara smiled, yes, you read that right, Chara smiled in a way that wasn't sarcastic or angry or creepy, but in a way that was gentle, and they reached their hand out to Frisk's cheek, "You can live, you just have to stay determined. I... I want you around.."

"If I can get you to say that, than maybe I can. Thanks, Chara." Frisk smiled back, turning to face Chara, eye to eye, "But there's more you wanted to know. There's something else, and it isn't really about me.. I think I can explain it."

"First, explain how you know that." Chara replied, raising a curious eyebrow.

"Well... There are these things that my body and mind has kind of developed, things for hunting down a victim. Knowing their fears, their plans, knowing exactly what to do to get them to play into your trap for your next meal once I 'mark' them as prey. I guess I may have involuntarily done that when I first bit you and uhm.. Yeah. It kind of connected me to you in a way." Frisk explained, pulling from things that had thought about while they were resting on Chara's shoulder, but then realized just the way that sounded, so they added, "But! I don't plan on killing you for a meal or anything, I promise. I think its.. Just a way for me to get to know you. To help you."

"Oh, well... Does this marking work both ways? Like, if you marked me as prey, would it make me.. I don't know, drawn to you or something?" Chara asked, a blush creeping up their neck as they delved deeper into their question.

"Why do you ask? Are you feeling.. Drawn.. to me?" Frisk smirked, putting a sly emphasis on the syllable in their second question.

"No!" Chara instantly replied, turning away as the blush claimed their cheeks, "I mean.. Maybe, maybe a bit.."

"Hehe, that's adorable." Frisk giggled, poking Chara's hot red cheek.

"No it isn't! I'm not adorable, I thought mirrors weren't supposed to work for vampires but I guess I was wrong!" Chara stuttered out, deeply surprised that they actually managed to get all of that out without suffering death by shame.

"So you're a mirror then? Maybe that's why I can see myself in you." Frisk replied with a giggle and a sly smirk, putting emphasis on the last part of their sentence, making it more of an innuendo than a philosophical statement.

"Wow. Uhm.. Oh." Chara stammered, their blush becoming a furious red, their breath wavering and their body beginning to shake. This was starting to get a little nerve wracking for Chara, and they didn't want to do something awkward or weird. Not to mention that this was in fact a vampire, and this flirting was probably coming from that rather than any actual interest in them.

"I'm sorry, that was a bit much." Frisk said gently, pulling Chara into a light hug.

"Don't worry about it." Chara replied stiffly, but let themselves melt into Frisk's hug.

Vamp!tale (Chara x Frisk)Where stories live. Discover now