Taking A Walk

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Both Mother and Father had been a little iffy about the idea of going to see the Royal Scientist down in the hotlands, but Chara did have a pretty convincing argument. They were always getting sick, and if this were to keep on happening it could be pretty bad; since neither of them knew what was wrong and why it was happening, they agreed.

Chara had alerted the Doctor that they would be arriving soon not ten minutes past breakfast. Of course, Chara was still unsure of why they would even agree to going to their Scientist about this. They didn't trust them very much, something about her just seemed... Off. Either way, she might be able to tell them a little more about Frisk and help them acquire some form of blood substitute.

It probably wouldn't taste as good, naturally, and Chara, for some demented reason,enjoyed being a light little snack for Frisk. How the idea of being bitten like that was appealing, they had next to no idea. All of these feelings were awkwardly new to them, and they had no idea what they were. Was this love, lust, the product of vampire seduction or something else? Not that they thought Frisk would ever try to take advantage of them like that.

For biting into someone's neck with a fang, Frisk was surprisingly gentle about it. Perhaps it was because their fang was so sharp, or that Chara was simply enjoying themselves too much, but it slide into their neck so smoothly that they felt more pleasure than pain. It was almost like the fang was covered in some sort of drug that robbed Chara of any natural instinct that said 'Chara, you're being eaten alive, you should maybe do something about that.'

Either way, whether the pleasure came from Frisk's vampirism or their own demented desires, Chara let them do it out of their own free will, and they wanted to be sure that Frisk knew that. They always seemed to feel guilty about it afterwards, just as they had this morning. Or.. Night? It didn't really matter.

After telling their story, Frisk had grown rather solemn and sad, and cuddle up against Chara instead of continuing any conversation; eventually falling asleep in their arms. Not long after Frisk had fallen asleep, their body shrunk and warped into a small little bat and fell in their lap. Now, Chara had no desire to wake up the cute bat Frisk, and so as they headed out of the house, they put them in the pocket of the shirt they wore underneath their sweater; Frisk fitting just perfectly. They just hoped that Frisk wouldn't turn back into a human while they were in there, or things were going to get pretty awkward.

Chara was now making their to the core elevator to head to the hotlands, encountering several of their 'citizens' on the way there. Now, none of the monsters outside their house really enjoyed Chara being around. They all seemed to be nervous and unsettled by their presence,and it never really bothered Chara all that much. Yet now, walking down the bridge and through the MTT hotel, the bitter gazes and turning eyes hurt them.

What had they done to deserve this? Chara didn't remember doing anything particularly bad to them.. So maybe they were a bit rude at times, but this was just ridiculous. Maybe they didn't like Chara because of the way they were treated by the King and Queen, or that they were the second heir to the throne. Second,despite being older than Asriel by two years. Surprisingly, that was actually Chara's own decision.

Funny enough, one of the few monsters outside of their own family that they got along with was the head of the royal guard, Undyne, who was training them to be quite the fighter. Chara had no magic of their own, but was fast enough with their own knife to be a skilled warrior. They were frightened of how much they enjoyed the battle, though, worried that they might do something wrong. As if they could ever really hurt Undyne; they weren't good enough. Yet something still lingered in the back of their mind, pushing them on; farther,faster.. To finish it.

Chara pushed the idea away; they could never really do that, right? No one in the Dreemurr family was capable of something like that. And even though Chara wasn't exactly one of them, they were still raised as one. That had to count for something, didn't it? Then they remembered the things that they saw in their nightmares, and began to wonder what they were really capable of..

But that wasn't them, that was someone else, a figment of Chara's nightmares. That could never really be them.

Either way, a little while longer and an elevator ride or two and Chara had reached the door to the laboratory with Frisk still snug in their pocket. Let's just hope that this trip was worth all the judging eyes and bitterness that Chara had to deal with on the way here.

Before knocking, Chara checked the time on their phone to make sure that they weren't early. They were right on time, and with that in mind, they raised their fist up to the door and gave the cold metal a light tap. Behind the door they could hear an awkward shuffling, and within a few moments the door slid open.

"Hey, Doc. Heard you could help me out with a little something." Chara said stiffly to the scientist in front of them, not being one for idle conversation with those they didn't know very well. There was a soft little yawn coming from inside Chara's sweater, and the tiny little head of bat Frisk poked out of their collar.

"W-where did you get a bat?" Alphys, the Royal Scientist, stuttered out, looking at the small bat in amazement. The fact that they had a bat, and the fact that they had gotten said bat into a pocket in their shirt was honestly a little ridiculous.

"Ah.. Well, you see, that's kind of why I'm here." Chara answered with a light shrug, reaching into their collar and pocket to pick up the little Frisk and gently pet the back of their head.

"I t-thought you were c-coming because of your sickness.." Alphys replied, a little confused. Chara had called and left a voice-mail about half an hour ago with the King and Queen saying that Chara was still sick and that they needed them to be checked out.

"Mm.." Chara bit into their lip, trying to hold back a grin, "Yeah. I lied about that one, I'm here cause-" Chara stopped in the middle of their sentence when Frisk bit their finger.

"Ow! Frisk!" Chara exclaimed, looking down at the little bat, "I'm sorry! We'll check that out later, but first I want to see if the Doc can help you out so you don't have to drink blood anymore, okay? Please don't bite my finger."

"Drink.. Blood?" Alphys blinked in confusion, looking down at the exchange between Chara and the small bat, "W-what kind of bat is that, exactly?"

"Well, they aren't a bat, exactly." Chara replied slowly, "More like a, uh.. Ah, you'll find out pretty soon."

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