Laboratory Testing

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Alphys shuffled nervously in the elevator as it made its way down to her true laboratory where should would be able to give these 'blood' samples some proper testing. What the hell was in this stuff? When she had drawn Chara's blood, it had been normal, but during their episode the stuff that dripped from their eyes and mouth was completely unnatural and seemed to be almost the same as the liquid she had drawn out of Frisk.

What was Frisk really? They weren't a monster, that was for sure, and there was no way they were human. They had no heartbeat, no pulse, no blood. Nothing. It was as if they were dead, but there eyes were open and they were moving all the same. If they were dead, it sure as hell wasn't putting a stopper on their social life.

There was something very suspicious about the contents of these vials, and Alphys had to know what it was. The life of the second heir to the throne could be at stake, and even if she didn't like them, it was her royal duty to save their life. Once the elevator reached the bottom floor, Alphys ran out and down the corridors of their true lab and into a very particular room. Her other.. Failed experiments... were probably somewhere else in the lab right now..

Alphys quickly pushed all the junk off the desk and pulled out a small beaker, a buffer and several other powdered chemicals. After putting on her goggles, she gently poured the vial of Frisk's blood into the beaker, followed by the buffer and powders. She shook it up a little, and poured it back into another vial in a set. She then repeated this process each time with the rest of her samples.

A few minutes later, when the solution had set, Alphys took her special gloves and a long needle and gently fished out a long strand of silken thread from the sample of Chara's blood and placed it in yet another vial. When she had gone to the sample of Frisk's blood, the strand they had pulled out was thick, dripping and black. This wasn't what this was supposed to look like... The same thing happened when she pulled out the strand from the sample of Chara's episode.

Alphys took the sample of Frisk's blood and ran over to a rather bulky look machine with a mechanical slot for the vial. Alphys slipped the vial into the slot and flipped a few switches, and the machine began to read out a list of coding.. Except.. This wasn't normal! None of this was normal! Alphys sighed in frustration, taking the vial out and running over to some of their microscopes.

She slid the sample underneath the lens and peered in to see.. Nothing they recognized what so ever, except.. Except one thing, something they had seen before in many of their previous experiences. Determination. Within the sample was the essence of pure determination, and it was mixing with what appeared to be 6 other different chemicals that Alphys had never seen before. They all seemed to be floating about in a single, tar like base substance.

Letting out another sigh, Alphys took the new slide and headed back over to her desk of equipment, repeating the same process over again with the other two samples. She didn't find out a whole lot, but she did find out a few things that might be useful. The determination found in Frisk and the determination found in Chara's blood matched up perfectly, as if they were the exact same strand. The base component of Frisk's sample also matched up perfectly with the sample from Chara's episode in only one tense.

The sample from Chara's episode and Frisk's sample both contained the same tar like base component, except Chara's sample was made purely out of this while Frisk had 7 different components mixed about in this base.

While observing the sample of Frisk's blood, thinking about other things, they noticed something rather.. Odd. The determination substance in the mix was slowly deteriorating. Not at any rapid pace, but it was happening none the less.. Why? Was the determination being broken down by something else in the mix? For what purpose?

Then Alphys remembered.. Frisk didn't have a heartbeat. Frisk didn't have a pulse.. Frisk wasn't alive What if the determination was being broken down for some sort of fuel that powered Frisk like a battery, the same way food powers monsters and humans? Then, why was the same base component in Chara's episode?

If the determination in Frisk's blood had indeed been taken from Chara's blood, than it could be a safe assumption to say that this was some sort of side effect from that, but Alphys wasn't so sure. See, this had happened once before and that was years before this Frisk had ever arrived or been heard of. So.. This had been going on much longer than that, so the idea of it being a side effect was ruled out.

And it finally hit her... She had to find the old royal scientist's research on Chara's illness when it first happened. This had happened before right after Chara had supposedly come back to life, and this might have been a side effect of the first cure that was used.. But why?

Something just didn't add up in Alphys' mind. Chara was alive, that was 100%, but Frisk wasn't and the same base substance had been found on both subjects. No, patients.. They aren't subjects. Not this time. Had the first cure not worked as well as they all hoped? Was Chara still on the battle of life and death, or was it really just a side effect of something else?

Alphys needed answers, and most of all they needed time. More time to figure this out, more time to flip through notes and research and.. Time to think. Chara was going to be just fine for now, but what about Frisk? This stranger...

They seemed nice and kind, but Alphys had learned to be wary of strangers.. Still, Frisk seemed to care a lot about Chara, so it didn't seem to matter all that much.

They hoped that wasn't a mistake.

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