And All The Day's To Come

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The ground in front of Frisk was now stained black, their body quivering in the cold as they slowly collapsed to the ground, a noise that seemed like a laugh escaping their lips, "Do you really think that? I'm not human, i'm not a monster.. I'm something terrible. Please, just leave me here to die.. This is how it has to be."

"No." Chara replied firmly, reluctantly sitting in the snow next to Frisk, pulling their body onto their lap. Suprisingly, Frisk was much lighter than to be expected, and Chara wrapped their arms around their waist.

"What are you doing..?" Frisk coughed, blood splurting onto their sweater in a disgusting manner. Frisk wondered what was going to happen to their missing fang. Would it grow back, or would it be gone forever, like regular, human teeth? They supposed it didn't matter anymore; they were finally going to die.

"You aren't allowed to die, sorry. It's a new rule made by me, the second heir to the throne. Since you now live down here, you have to obey that rule. Sorry, that's just how this works." Chara replied, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible when everything in their mind was running and screaming like the plot of the last three Jaw's movies.

Frisk stifled out laughter, but only barely, "What do you mean I'm not allowed to die? You can't enforce a rule like that.. I could break out and do it if I wanted.."

"Yes, you could. But you know what?" Chara replied a little smugly.

"Do tell.." Frisk coughed in reply, wiping the black liquid from their face that they could only assume to be blood. Or, their version of blood at least.

"Because I told you not to!" Chara nodded with confidence. "That's all! I told you that you couldn't, so you won't. It's quite simple really, when you think about it. I said so, and now you won't because.. I said so!"

"There... There isn't any sound logic to that, I could! Just because you said I couldn't doesn't mean I can't!" Frisk protested in confusion.

"Ah, but.. Consider this; Yes. Yes it does, and I know that because you really won't do it. After all, I told you that it was against the rules now." Chara said, as if this sort of conclusion or reply made any sense.

"That still doesn't make sense! I can if I wanted! I could get up and go find that stick.." Frisk complained, but in all honesty, they didn't really have a desire to get up and do anything at all. Now that Chara's arms were wrapped around them, the idea of dying felt more and more repulsive and less and less like an actual solution to any thing. Something Frisk had always thought before the.. Incident.

"No you couldn't. The rule now states that you can't do that, since the intentions are against the original rule. So you're stuck here, really, until your intentions are to come back with me to our home." Chara giggled, more confident on the inside that this was somehow working.

"Well what if I don't want to? What if I just want to stay here and do nothing! Then you'll be forced to stay in the cold until you get tired and I can do what ever I want!" Frisk shot back. Even though they didn't want to do this, they were still going to argue with Chara about this for.. Some reason.

"Then.. I'll stay here in the cold with you. I might get tired, but you know what else?" Chara asked, poking Frisk's tummy.

"Oh, do tell." Frisk rolled their eyes sarcastically,

"I won't fall asleep until you've decided to keep on living." Chara stated matter-of-factly.

"That could be bad for your health.." Frisk sighed, staring off into the distance. Part of them didn't want to die, part of them wanted to keep on living for the sake of Chara, who seemed to be quite determined in this matter. But the other part knew that their life could only be lived by leeching off of others... Yet, if Chara was right.. Maybe it didn't have to be that way.

"Well then, I suppose you'll have to keep on living if you want that to change. That's just the rule." Chara answered softly, feeling kind of bad for the way it was worded, but believing that it was entirely justified in such a time.

"Fine, fine.." Frisk grumbled, turning in Chara's lap to snuggle up. They weren't exactly physically tired, in a way that makes you require sleep, but tired in a way that made you want to sleep; even if you didn't have to. Tired in an emotional way, a way that strained just sitting and doing nothing.

"See, didn't I tell you?" Chara giggled, giving Frisk room to turn and snuggle into their lap and arms. So.. Chara would much rather be at home or literally anywhere else other than a cold, snowy forest.. But if Frisk wanted to stay, than they would both stay there and they would stay there together.

"Yeah.. You told me, alright." Frisk yawned, softly rubbing their cheek against Chara's side, as if they were a kitten marking their territory.

"I sure did!" Chara smiled, tightening their arms around Frisk. They knew that mother would be here soon, and that she would take them both back home as soon as possible. Frisk was a vampire; they would be safe like this, but Chara.. Chara was in no way in any shape to be staying out in the snow for an entire night. They could get very sick, and it could potentially be very bad.. But their mother knew that, and if Chara did not return soon, she would no doubt go searching for them.

And they were right. Not half an hour after Frisk had fallen asleep in Chara's arms, Mother arrived, looking for them in the forest. She must have found out where to go from the river person, just as Chara had. Toriel slowly approached the two, looking at Chara in confusion but not wanting to say a word.

Chara sighed and nodded, making a gesture with their head towards the fang that had been ripped out and the blood that had tainted the snow. Toriel nodded, making an uplifting gesture with her.. Paws? Hands? It doesn't matter, Chara got the idea. As gently as possible, they positioned Frisk in a way that they could pick them up, and they carried them home with Toriel. No one said a word on the trip; for nothing was needed to be said for that night.

When they arrived together at their home, mother returned to her room, giving Chara a gentle nudge towards the sofa that had been covered in blankets and laid out for themselves not a few hours ago. Chara placed Frisk gently down on the sofa and blankets, and they sat down in front of the couch, leaning their head back against the cushion. Unknown to Chara, Frisk smiled to themselves, and let their hand drop down into Chara's hair, who they could hear sighing and unwilling to move.

Despite what Chara saw in the mirror, despite what they saw in their dreams.. Chara felt like what one could call a good person. They had done something right, today.. Something that wasn't spiteful, sarcastic or angry.. But something good.

And they owed it all to Frisk.

Vamp!tale (Chara x Frisk)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz