Dark Nights and Love Bites

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"I know you're not sleeping, Frisk." Chara sighed, they were still holding Frisk's hand, and they had been for the past hour. They were unsure of what time it was, but they were getting rather sleepy. But Frisk was still awake, and no matter what; Chara was determined to stay up with them to make sure they were safe. Chara considered themselves to be a lot of things, including selfish, but for Frisk they would put it aside.

"What..? Yes I am. What are you talking about?" Frisk mumbled into the blankets and pillows that were laid out on the couch for them. They had hoped Chara would have gone to sleep soon; the idea of leaving was still heavy on their chest. But Chara seemed to refuse in a blatant manner to go to sleep, no matter how tired they were. What did Frisk do to deserve something like this from anyone?

"Uh huh, I believe that." Chara laughed to themselves, "Look.. If neither of us are going to sleep, you wanna talk about anything? Just to pass the time, you know."

"Well, there is something I'd like to ask you, if you don't mind." Frisk replied softly. They had to know why Chara was doing this, why Chara had let them feed off of them and why Chara was forcing themselves to stay up all night just for their sake.

"Of course I don't mind, after all, I'm the one who asked you if you wanted to talk!" Chara smiled, an occurrence that had been quite rare before Frisk had arrived in the underground. Now that Frisk was there, Chara almost forgot what it was like to frown. Almost.

"Oh, yeah.. That's true." Frisk giggled a little to themselves, "Anyway.. I just wanted to know, why are you doing this for me? You were prepared to stay out all night in the freezing snow, you were sick and hurt but you came after me anyway... Then, you let someone like me feed off of you. You could have died but you did it anyway!"

"I'm doing it because.. Well, I'm doing it because.." Chara stammered, not sure where to begin telling Frisk the things they had done to them in the short amount of time that they were together. How Frisk had made them smile, how Frisk was able to get them to do something that wasn't just for themselves.. How Frisk had made them fell, and so they didn't.. "Look, it's weird but the last thing felt good okay!" Chara squeaked.

"You enjoyed being bitten and.. Fed off of?" Frisk asked curiously, turning around on the couch to face Chara, who was still leaning back up against the couch. Frisk grinned to themselves, reaching their hands under Chara's arms and pulled them up on to the couch and wrapped their arms around them, in a similar way that Chara had done in the forest not a few hours back.

"Don't kinkshame me in my own house!" Chara squeaked, their face turning hot and red; they felt something bubbling inside of their chest.

"Oh no, I wouldn't dare do that.." Frisk murmured in Chara's ear, slowly bringing their lips to Chara's neck, basically able to smell the tension they were bringing to their body, and it smelled very good.

"Oh, oh gosh.. Uhm.. What are you doing?" Chara stammered, they were breathing heavily and their heart was soon to pound right out of their chest.

"I just thought that I'd give you a thank you; After all, words could hardly express my gratitude to you, so I thought I might do a little something for you." Frisk giggled, although that sound came more from their vampiric side than it did their human side. After all, it was meant to get Chara's heart rate pounding through the roof. Frisk kissed Chara's neck gently, being sure to ever so slightly slide their remaining fang against the exposed skin.

"Do a little.. Oh, gosh, uhm.. Alright." Chara laughed awkwardly, trying to control their breathing but could hardly help the quick and sharp exhales that would follow as Frisk's lips connected with their neck, and the tiny moan that would escape when their fang ran across their skin.

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