- fifteen -

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jongho was elated when he received yeosang's letter, and quickly mailed a response back enclosing his own phone number and a grateful acceptance to the older's idea.

now, he was finishing up with getting ready to go to wooyoung's, as san had begged him to join. he walked out to mingi's car with a small smile on his face, waving before he got in.

"are you excited?" mingi asked, pulling out of jongho's driveway and heading towards wooyoung's house.

"i mean... of course. you guys are pretty much my only friends," jongho laughed.

mingi laughed a bit in response and the two sang along with the radio the rest of the way, appearing to be the first ones to arrive.

"jjong!" san shouted excitedly, hugging the younger tightly.

jongho happily hugged back, excited to be with his cousin again. it had been a while since the two had spent time together and both boys were affected by it.

"hi san," he said softly, smiling at wooyoung when they pulled apart. "hi woo, i heard your friend is coming today!"

"yeah! hwa's bringing him."

"oh, hwa knows him?"

"they were friends when they were little! i think joongie's a bit jealous about it," wooyoung explained.

jongho laughed a bit, nodding.

"don't tell him i said that though," wooyoung whispered.

"i won't. where are hongjoong and yunho anyways?"

"they're on their way," san explained. "yunho insisted on bringing snacks even though we already prepared some."

"typical," wooyoung rolled his eyes jokingly.

there was a knock at the door and wooyoung quickly ran over, knowing it must be seonghwa and yeosang. wooyoung smiled as he opened the door, wrapping his arms around the slightly taller boy and holding him tight.

"sangie... i'm so glad you decided to come."

i don't know how long i'll be staying, but i'm happy to be here, woo.

"i'm proud of you for just trying, okay?"

yeosang nodded and jongho found himself staring at the boy, infatuated by his presence and also feeling a slight sense of familiarity from him.

"sangie, this is jongho! he's sannie's cousin. and this is mingi, yunho's little lover boy!"

"i'm not little!" mingi whined.

"we'll go with that," wooyoung joked.

"hi," jongho said softly, giving a short wave.

the quiet boy smiled slightly and waved, then moved back towards seonghwa and typed something into his phone for the older to read.

i feel really overwhelmed right now and i wish i hadn't come but i really don't want to let wooyoung down and yunho and hongjoong aren't even here yet :/

"sangie... hey, you're doing great," seonghwa whispered, pulling the younger into a hug. "i'm right here and you know that... everything's going to be okay."

yeosang nodded, closing his eyes a bit and taking a deep breath.

across the room, jongho found himself staring at yeosang, which san quickly noticed.

"you're not straight, are you?" he questioned.

"w-what? w-what are you talking about?" jongho asked, fear laced with the venom in his tone.

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