- twenty two -

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yeosang had very hesitantly accepted jongho's invite to go with him and yewon to the park, but he couldn't help but feel a little excited to meet the young girl. he sat at the park bench anxiously tapping his foot, waiting for the two to arrive, getting more nervous by the second.

"yeosang! you're here!" jongho said excitedly, smiling as he walked over to the boy, yewon curled up in his arms.


"sorry we're a bit late... our parents were at it again," jongho muttered, rubbing yewon's back gently.

the small girl whimpered, sniffling, and yeosang frowned softly.

is she okay?

"yeah... she just doesn't like loud noises much... the fighting really upsets her."

"i-i just want m-mommy and d-daddy h-happy," she cried.

yeosang frowned a bit deeper, quickly typing something into his phone.

jjong, can i hold her? is that okay?

"hey, bunny? can yeosang hold you?"


"my friend... see?" jongho cooed, pointing at yeosang, who gave a shy wave.

yewon sniffled as she examined yeosang a bit before nodding and putting her arms out for yeosang to take her. the boy carefully did and yewon quickly cuddled into his arms, beginning to smile.

"jongie, he's just like you! big teddy!"

jongho laughed a bit, smiling small as yeosang rubbed the girl's back, smiling between the two.

"what's your name?" yewon asked, already having forgotten.

yeosang became flustered and looked at jongho for help, seeing as he couldn't type while holding the girl in his arms.

"his name's yeosang, bunny. he doesn't talk much, okay?"

"okay... why's his name so hard?"

yeosang laughed slightly, quickly stopping himself from being too loud. yewon giggled too, then poked yeosang's cheek.

"i'm gonna call you... prince!"

"is that okay with you, yeo?" jongho asked softly.

yeosang nodded, smiling small.

"ooo! can we play a game?" yewon asked.

"what game, bunny?"

"i will play the princess! and you, jongie, you are the monster! and prince is the prince, of course! he has to come save me!"

yewon jumped down from yeosang's arms and ran up to the top of the slide, waiting for yeosang to come "save" her.

"oh no, scary monster! prince, please save me!" she acted out, making the two boys laugh before they got into character.

the boys pretended to fight, everything going well until yeosang tripped and fell into jongho's arms, feeling flustered. he wanted to run away, embarrassment filling his veins, until jongho pulled him close and smiled.

"i've got you," he whispered.

yeosang hid his face a bit, still embarrassed and beginning to get anxious again.

"the princess shall not be saved! i have captured her prince!" jongho announced, rubbing yeosang's back gently to try and help him calm down.

yewon pouted, unaware to yeosang's embarrassment. jongho quickly cupped his cheek, smiling small.

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