- twenty eight -

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yeosang and wooyoung ran into the emergency room, yeosang holding onto wooyoung's hand tightly.

"we're here for choi san and choi jongho..." wooyoung explained.

"your names?"

"fuck... jung wooyoung and kang yeosang. i should be listed as an emergency contact for san."

"i see... well, mr. choi is currently getting his head fixed up, but you should both be allowed to see him shortly. as for the other mr. choi, i cannot allow either of you to see him. he's in critical condition and neither of you are listed as an emergency contact."

yeosang began to panic, squeezing wooyoung's hand tightly, then wooyoung simply nodded at the woman and went to sit down, pulling yeosang with him.

"sangie... sangie, it's going to be okay... we're going to get you in there to see him as soon as possible, i promise."

"w-what if i-i don't g-get to...?" yeosang asked softly.

"shhh... i'm going to text san and let him know, okay? it's going to be okay..."

yeosang just nodded, waiting until they were allowed to see san.

it was around 15 minutes later that they were finally allowed to see him, san struggling to stay awake when they got in.

"hi, baby..." wooyoung cooed, sitting next to the boy. "how are you doing?"

"h-hurts..." he whined.

"i know, lovey... i know. just stay still and look at me, okay?"

yeosang watched from the side, torn between wanting to run and hide and wanting to stay. san looked as though he had been through hell and back, the older couldn't even imagine what jongho looked like.

"d-did you see j-jongho?" san asked.

"no... they won't let us in, bub. he's in critical condition right now."

"w-woo... y-you need to get in here.... i-i need you to check on him for me. h-he needs yeo. please..."

"sannie, i think you need to tell them that... they won't listen to us."


"shh... you're going to make your head hurt worse."

"i-i didn't mean to..."

"just try to relax, san. we can worry about that later..."

"w-woo... t-tired..."

"it's okay to rest, love... i promise."


"we're not going anywhere. you'll be getting transferred to a normal room soon, and when that happens, we're coming with you. we'll be there to hear any updates on jongho and keep you company, okay?"

"i-i need you guys to see j-jongho... i can't sleep yet, i-i need to know how he's doing."

"shh..." wooyoung whispered, soothing the boy.

he gently cupped san's cheeks, pressing a kiss to the boy's nose before pulling away.

"c-can we please try now? i-i want to know if he's okay..."

wooyoung nodded slightly and called the nurse, gently rubbing his thumb across san's hand.

"hello, mr. choi. what can i do for you today?"

"i-i need them let into m-my cousin's room... i-i can't get up a-and i need to hear that he's okay from someone i trust..."

"i don't know if i can do that... i'm sorry."

san quickly got upset, trying to sit up and start yelling at the woman.

"sannie... sannie, stop it!" wooyoung yelled, gently but effectively getting san to stay laying down. "apologize to the poor woman."

"'m sorry..."

the nurse nodded and started to walk out, when wooyoung got an idea.

"wait!" he called. "i know we're not allowed in there, but is there a window on his door or anything that we can look inside? we'll be quick."

the nurse chewed her lip, debating the idea, then nodded and gave in.

wooyoung smiled and kissed san's forehead, then got up and grabbed yeosang's hand, pulling him to follow the nurse as she led the two to jongho's room.

"let me know if you need anything... i'll just be over here," the nurse explained.

wooyoung nodded and then took a quick peek in before allowing yeosang to. the older stared in, tears forming in his eyes as he saw the state jongho was in. he gently rested his hand on the glass, sighing when he realized the boy wasn't waking up anytime soon.

"c'mon, sangie... let's go back to san's room."


"we just have to wait, okay? let's let san know how he's doing."

yeosang reluctantly nodded and followed wooyoung back to san's room, where wooyoung halted in front of the door.

"sangie... i need you to do me a favor, okay? i need you to go to the bathroom and hide there until i text you or come get you. can you do that for me?"

"w-what's h-happening?"

"san's dad is in there... a-and i think that jongho's dad is with him. they're dangerous, sangie... i don't want them to hurt you."

"w-what about y-you?"

"they won't hurt me. if they try, san will flip out and security will get involved. if it's you, san will feel even guiltier than he already does. he's blaming himself for jjong's condition..."

"p-promise y-you'll be o-okay?"

"promise. now go, okay?"

yeosang nodded and ran to the nearest bathroom as wooyoung entered san's room, the older quickly begging wooyoung to leave.

"woo... baby, just g-go..." san said softly, pleading.

"no. they don't scare me, san."

"we don't scare you, huh? why don't we give you a reason to be scared?"

"wooyoung!" san screamed, jolting up and frantically pressing the help button as he tried to get up from his bed.

it was then that all hell broke loose, leaving yeosang scared and anxious as he waited for a sign that everything was okay.

i deeply apologize for the next couple chapters <3

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