- fourty nine -

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the next morning, yeosang woke up early, deciding to surprise his mother with breakfast since he knew he didn't have much time left with her. he excitedly texted jongho to tell him his plan and got to cooking, unaware when his mother came down and sat at the table, smiling small and admiring her son from afar. it was only when he turned to set the table that he noticed her, getting startled.

"mommmm," he whined. "y-you scared me!"

"i know, baby... i'm sorry, i just didn't want to interrupt you."

"i-it's okay... h-how are you feeling today?"

"not bad... i've had worse days. what's for breakfast, sweetie?"

"um... eggs and french toast and i-i was gonna make bacon too but i c-couldn't find it so i made sausage i-instead... i-i hope it tastes okay..."

"as long as you made it, i'm sure i will, hun. thank you for cooking."

"i-i wanted to surprise you... w-we don't know h-how much time you have left... i-i needed to do s-something for you..."

"you're the best son i ever could've asked for. you know that?"

yeosang looked down, shaking his head and frowning. he didn't feel like a good son. a good son would have visited his mom in the hospital and been there for her from the start. all yeosang did was run and hide.

"yeosang... i know that you don't feel like you've been the best son, but you are. i don't blame you for not being able to visit in the hospital, not one bit. in fact, i'm just grateful you tried to come when you felt okay enough."

"i-i don't think i-i would've come a-at all if it weren't for j-jongho..."

"i was just getting to that... do you think he could come over for a couple of hours today? i haven't seen him around much this week and i wanted to talk to him."

"i-i can ask, yeah..."

"he's so good to you, yeosang... you got so, so lucky. you and jongho are perfect for each other. and my goodness, you have grown so much since you've met him. you've gotten so brave and so confident... all because he helped you find it... i'm grateful for him, you know? i know you're going to be okay when i'm gone, and it's all because of him. yes, you have wooyoung too, but there's something so special about jongho."

"h-he's everything to me, mom... i-i want to spend the rest of my life w-with him..."

"you know... he said the same about you."

yeosang smiled small and blushed, looking at the ground again. he was so grateful that he had jongho, and his mother's words only increased his gratitude. jongho was truly his person.

"let's eat, then you call jongho and see if he can come over for an hour or two. if wooyoung and san need to come too, that's perfectly fine by me as well. i just need to see jongho."


the two ate in a comfortable silence, yeosang's mother praising his cooking from time to time. he was happy she liked it, excited to tell jongho and also to see if he could come by for yeosang's mother to see him. as soon as they were finished, yeosang quickly cleared the table and washed the dishes, then pulled out his phone and called jongho.

"hey, baby... what's up? everything okay?"

"y-yeah... m-my mom wants to see you. c-can you come over for an hour or two?"

"let me see if san and woo are okay with that... stay on the phone while i ask?"

"of course... h-hey, she said they could come t-too... if they have to."

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