- twenty seven -

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TW: mentions of abuse, car crash


"san, i'm confused... what the hell is going on?"

"i think your parents know... i-i think they know everything."


"it's like you forget how much money our family actually has... jjong, i think they hired someone to watch you."


"yewon said something when woo brought her over here a-and it has me really worried for you, her and now yeosang too."

"what did she say?"

"she knew she shouldn't be here... she said something like 'mommy knows everything'... a-and then... the next day my dad called. i thought that wonnie just accidentally let it slip that she was here or something, but i think that our parents have eyes on us everywhere..."

"san... what happened when your dad called?"

"he demanded to see me, i tried resisting and he threatened to hurt woo. i met with him, got my ass beat, got warned to watch myself, and that was it."

"and you didn't tell me?"

"i was trying to protect you. i'm always trying to protect you!"

"san... it can't just be you protecting me. we need to protect each other, especially now. what did he do to you?"

"don't worry about it, jjong. woo took care of me, i'm doing better now."

"what did he do?" jongho asked, getting a bit more upset.

"he whipped me... slapped me, threw some punches... a couple of other things that are still a little blurry to me.. that's it."

"you're an idiot for not telling me sooner. i need to go now, i need to see yeo and just tell him i may not be able to be there as much because of my parents... i refuse to let them hurt him."

"let me drive you..."

"san, what if your dad finds out?"

"it's okay. it will have been worth it if it means helping you protect yeosang."

jongho shook his head slightly, knowing he wouldn't be able to talk the older out of driving him.

"fine. lemme text woo to see if they're still at the hospital or if they went home."

jongho was writing a text to wooyoung when panicked texts from yeosang flooded in, raising the boy's concern.



come back quick

woo & i got into a fight
and i just need a hug so
bad right now

please hurry

i need you

deep breaths, yeo

i'm on my way, bub. okay?

thank you jjong

"they're at yeo's... we need to go now," jongho insisted.

"what's the rush? everything okay?"

"no... they had an argument or something and now yeosang is panicking and needs help relaxing."

"you care a lot about him, don't you?"

jongho nodded, smiling small as the two went out to san's car.

"i love him," jongho whispered.

"you... what?"

"i love him. i really do."

san started the car, smiling a bit before pulling out of the driveway.

"when'd you figure that out?"

"when all that mattered anymore was him."

san nodded slightly, an eerie feeling in the air as he continued driving. suddenly, the older boy's eyes widened, slamming on the brakes to try and protect the two, but the car didn't stop barreling towards them.

the next minute was filled with the screeching sounds of metal and rubber, san panicking as he tried to stay alert. the car had flipped somewhere along the line and the two boys were stuck, san's head bleeding and jongho completely knocked out.

san knew this was no coincidence, it had to be the work of their family. he shakily reached for his phone, unsure if anyone had called for an ambulance, and then he heard the sirens, calling wooyoung instead.

"san... hey, aren't you—"

"car accident."

"what?! are you okay? is jongho still with you?"

"head hurts... i-i hear sirens. j-jongho... h-he's hurt bad," he cried, whimpering in pain.

"hey... baby, it's going to be okay, take a deep breath... don't pressure yourself right now, it'll make your head hurt worse."

"i-i'm scared..."

"it's okay to be scared, love. just listen to my voice, okay... the paramedics are going to be there soon, just stay still and listen to me."


"shh... you're okay, sannie. as soon as you're at the hospital i'll be by your side again."

"b-bring y-yeo..."

"san, is that a good idea?"


"actually, don't answer that. you need to stop talking right now, okay? i don't know what kind of condition you're in but it sounds like it was a pretty nasty crash. just listen to my voice and try to relax, okay?"

yeosang wandered into the living room as he heard wooyoung's voice getting louder, tears still running down his cheeks as he eavesdropped on the younger.

"san... hey, stop it. calm down, they're trying to get you guys out of there, you're going to be okay."

yeosang's eyes widened as he heard this, beginning to feel panicked again.

"baby, let them do their job. they're not hurting him, sannie, they're getting him out safe."

"w-woo..." yeosang whispered. "w-what happened?"

"sannie, give me one second, okay? sangie just came in and i need to fill him in."

wooyoung held the phone to his chest for a moment, chewing his lip as he held back tears of his own, then looked up at yeosang.

"san and jongho got into a bad car accident... san's conscious... he called me as soon as he heard the sirens and knew people were on their way to help them. it doesn't sound like jongho's doing as good..."

"t-this is m-my f-fault... i-i b-begged him to c-come here..."

"sangie... no, no it's not your fault, bub. i'll tell you more later, but i promise you this has nothing to do with you. someone planned this."


"i'll tell you more on our way there... let me just calm san down and make sure he's listening to the paramedics and then i'll explain."

yeosang nodded and sat next to wooyoung, who quickly went back to calming a very stubborn san down. the older felt as though time was moving slowly as he waited for wooyoung to get off the phone, growing anxious about jongho's state.

it was shortly after when he did, instantly
getting up.

"let's go."

i'm sorry pls don't hate me <33

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