1 Destiny

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Part 1 Destiny


Arnav Singh Raizada, the young owner of AR groups of the company got down from the chopper flauntingly. In fact, he didn't flaunt. His outstanding attitude made us think so. He was in Lucknow to organize a grand and brand new show of AR. He recently bought an antique palace of Lucknow, Sheesh Mahal. He thought to announce the achievement to the world but without throwing a party because he didn't like parties. So, he decided to SHOW his power through a SHOW.

There was a wide ground in front of Sheesh Mahal. As per ASR's order, the stage arrangements took place in the ground for the show. The grand arrangements were ready to start the show. The stage and lighting preparations of the program made people awestruck. Lucknow city had never seen such a show before.

The show started. Arnav Singh Raizada took a seat in the front line. The theme of the show was ASR's favorite color RED. No one knows his favorite color was RED. Because, his room had been limited only to Black, gray and white colors. He liked to wear black and gray suits always. Don't know in which sense RED became his favorite color.

Though RED was his favorite color the models of his company who were wearing RED didn't attract him. He was looking at the stage just like a viewer. He felt bored to see lifeless faces. So, closing his eyes, he leaned on the seat.

There was sudden chatter raised in the crowd. People saw a girl rushing here and there on the stage with a panic expression. It was sure that she was not an AR model because she was out of the program theme. Yes, she was not wearing RED but Green. Her facial expression didn't look like a model's expression. It seems she might cry anytime. Who is she? How does she come on the stage of AR? She stopped at the edge of the stage, looking at the crowd nervously.

Arnav opened his eyes hearing the chatter. He looked at the stage to know what was happening. Seeing a stranger on the stage, Arnav stood up. He understood that she was the reason for the confusion. Her OUTLOOK told him everything about her. Who the hell was she? Why did she come on the stage? She must be sent by his rival to spoil the show. His rivals were always trying something against him for his downfall. Someone among them should have sent this girl. He moved ahead and stood glaring at the girl that making the girl scared. She tried to run from there. In that process, she stepped on her shawl. It pulled her back and she fell down from the stage. Though Arnav was furious he automatically held the girl in his arms. Of course, he was annoyed yet, he analyzed her face. Her bewilderment eyes tried to cool him down. Her thick, pinky trembling lips didn't let his eyes move away. Arnav almost forgot that he was holding a girl in his arms. He got his sense back only when she struggled to come out of his arms. He put her down with annoyance. He was about to call the security guards, before him doing that, the girl ran away.

"Hey, you...." he shouted, seeing her running figure.

"Catch her..." he ordered.

A few of his guards chased her. Arnav stood wrathfully. He looked at his manager Aman.

"Find her... I want to know who sent her"

"Yes, ASR" he took the order.

The girl was running aimlessly. She saw a few men chasing her. She searched for a place to hide. She rushed into the parking lot. She moved inside the parking lot, hiding behind the cars. She saw a man talking on the phone, walking here and there. A car next to him was being opened. It was a white SUV car. She ran towards the car, bending down. She tried to open the back door but she could not as the car was being center locked. She got inside the car through the driver's seat door and went to the back seat crossing the front seats. She sat down in the car, panting hard. She was relieved since she overcame the situation.

The driver who was talking on the phone disconnected the call urgently, seeing his Boss zooming towards the car. He was about to get in the car to start it, his Boss's dominating voice stop him.


He stood gulping down. His voice sounded familiar to us. Yeah, he was none other than Arnav Singh Raizada. He looked very angry. His walking speed reflected his anger. As the driver didn't expect, Arnav himself sat on the driver's seat and drove off the car.

Arnav was seething in anger. He had a very big plan regarding the show. Because of a damn girl, everything went in vain. Who the hell is she? Don't know who she is. She will have to pay for it. He thought while driving the car.

Don't know how long he drove the car. He came to his place. He got down from the car and walked in without even taking the KEY from the car. The girl peeped out of the car slowly. She again came to the driver's seat, crossing the back seats. She was horrified, seeing herself in the same place. The car was standing in front of Sheesh Mahal. The program was over it seems. She could see from the entrance of the Sheesh Mahal, a few workers were removing the stage settings. She slowly entered the Sheesh Mahal looking here and there, cautiously. Hiding behind a pillar, she looked whether anyone was there. She saw a man going upstairs with a plate. She went inside the nearby room and hid herself. The room was dark.


Neither Arnav ate anything nor did he sleep. He could not bear the failure of the program. Coming out of the room, he walked here and there in the dark corridor of the first floor. He saw a SHADOW moving towards the kitchen. He looked here and there. There was no one downstairs. He was sure it was someone. He came downstairs without making a noise. He came to the kitchen and slowly peeped inside. He got stuck, seeing the scene in front of his eyes. The same girl who fell on his arms was eating a plain roti, wiping her tears that were flowing uncontrolled. The anger that he was holding fled away, seeing her state. He got inside, which dragged her attention. She saw him with a shocking expression. She recognized who he was. She managed herself. Her next sentence shook him brutally.

"I'm hungry. It's been three days I have not eaten anything" she said miserably spilling tears.

To be continued...

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