Midnight Secrets (Oliver Wood)

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Hello, my lovely fawns ~

How has everyone been?  I realised I haven't checked in at all since I started posting again ...  Has anyone got anything exciting to share? 

So, this one shot has some French in it. The extent of my French knowledge is GCSE French which I did absolutely ages ago (and it makes me feel old to think about how many years ago it actually was). I had to resort to google searches for the French, so feel free to correct me if I'm wrong about anything. 

This one shot was requested by OpheliaImogenMae - thank you for your request! I feel like it's been forever since I've written for Oliver. This, like every other requests so far was requested absolutely ages ago, but I hope you like it nonetheless. 

As per usual, this is unedited (but really, do you ever expect anything else from me?)


What was the summer holiday without a wedding to attend?

From the moment I had been enrolled into school, it seemed that every year, there was a wedding to attend in the final week of August. Almost as if the soon to be wedded couple wanted their reception to be full of students on the brink of returning to school, buzzing with excited energy. Good Merlin, if it were me, I certainly wouldn't see the need of having school aged children attending my wedding, especially if they weren't people I knew very well. This wedding in particular, the wedding of a family friend certainly wasn't one I thought I needed to strictly attend. And yet here I was.

The reception tent, filled to the brim with laughing guests who danced and mingled seemed to almost thrum from the sheer amount of magic coming out from the number of people in it. The Wood clan certainly was a large one.

Managing to weave amongst the groups of people, I used the large crowd to my advantage, slipping easily between them and simultaneously using them for cover, shielding me from the aggravating wizard who was insistent on pursuing me. He was the very reason I didn't want to attend this wedding, because I knew he would be here. Why couldn't exes remain in the past? Why couldn't teenaged boys just be done with you once things came to an end? Finally making it to the edge of the tent, I ducked out into the cool evening air and breathed a sigh of relief. I wasn't sure how long for, but I'd managed to buy myself some peace. If only I'd had the forethought to grab a glass on my way out.

"Hiding, lass?" The simple question was nothing, really and yet it brought a smile to my lips. Rather, it wasn't the question, but the familiar voice of the one asking the question. It's deep timbre was warming in it's familiarity. I turned towards the voice, greeting the man who emerged from the tent behind me.

"Been keeping an eye on me, have you Wood?" I asked, watching as he approached me. My eyes narrowed in on the two glasses he held in his hands.

"Someone has to keep an eye on you," he parried, outstretching a glass towards me.

"Thanks." Raising the glass to my lips, I took a much needed sip. "Shouldn't you be with the groom? Being one of his groomsmen?"

"My cousin will be fine." Wood came to a still beside me, standing at my side as we both peered out at the landscape around us, our backs to the tent. If I knew no better, I would think he had accidentally stopped beside me. But I did know better. He had come to stand so close at my side that his shoulder brushed against mine, on purpose. Turning towards Wood, I watched him with a knowing smile. "What's your smile trying to tell me?"

"I think you know exactly what my smile is trying to say." His eyes held mine, dizzyingly beautiful and knowing. "So Wood, has anything changed since the last wedding we attended?"

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