House Arrest (Draco Malfoy)

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It's been a while, huh?

The last one shot was posted literally in the middle of the night and I was half asleep when I wrote it. I went back to read it after I'd woken up the next morning and instantly regretted posting it. There was so much wrong with it and so much that I wanted to change. It just wasn't up to scratch and I'm sorry. This one has been written over a week, whenever I got the chance to write and well hopefully it'll be better. It's certainly on the longer side of anything I've written (23 pages on word)

Now, just a little comment about something I've noticed. A lot of my readers comment or PM to let me know that they love that I include multicultural characters and characters that have different sexual orientations in my stories and honestly, I didn't realise that it was such a big deal?? I've grown up in one of the most multicultural/multi-ethnic countries in the world and since I was a child, I've always known people and been friends with people who don't fit the stereotypical heterosexual mould. I just wanted to make the world in my one shots reflect that because to me, personally, it was important that I represented that. That being said, if you don't think I'm doing a good job of that, make sure to let me know ~

As always, thanks for reading. I couldn't help but link this one with 'Harry the Hero' and 'Recipe for Disaster'. I'm so grateful for all the support you fawns give me and now I'll bring this message to an end and let you get on with your reading

In the aftermath of the war, as the Wizarding world struggled to find its feet once again, the country had undergone a massive overhaul of the political system. With many of the politicians from the older generation removed from their positions and replaced with younger, more open-minded wizards and witches, the country was changing and for the better at that. Money was pumped into new and upcoming projects and a large chunk of that went into the funding of research into potions designed to heal those wounded; both physically and mentally.

With potions suddenly pushed to the forefront of focus, I had found myself interested in a subject that had never once held my attention before. No one had been more surprised than I was when I went on to become a potioneer that worked in one of the new research facilities. My days revolved around tweaking and fixing the recipe for the innovative potion I had been working on since leaving Hogwarts. I had yet to find the breakthrough that I desperately searched for and instead seemed to spend more time consulting my notes to find out where I had gone wrong.

And, as if on cue, an explosion rang out through my potion's lab. The sound sent a dagger of ice through my heart and acting on an instinct that I had been forced to learn, my wand was held out in front of me and aimed at nothing in particular. My heart thudded painfully in my chest as I scanned the room and realising that I was alone, that I had majorly overreacted, I lowered my wand to my side and finally let myself breathe easy.

Only I wished I hadn't. The first lungful of air had me coughing at the smoke that filled the room and I hurriedly approached the smoking cauldron in the corner. My latest attempt at creating my still unnamed potion had just blown up and was the cause of the smoke that continued to fill the room. Coughing quietly, I peered into the cauldron and made a face. The potion that was supposed to remain a pearly white had instead become a deep green and turned into a thick goo that clung to the cauldron.

Levitating the still boiling cauldron, I walked towards the sink to clear the cauldron. I passed the now open doorway of my potion lab and hesitated in my step when I caught sight of the two men standing in the doorway. The pair of Aurors stood cautiously in the doorway; one of them was the head of the Auror office who I had been contacting via owl for the last few weeks. In his last response, the middle-aged man had told me he'd be coming to visit me, and I guessed that the silent, unimpressed blond at his side was the guest he'd written about. They coughed uncomfortably, not expecting the smoke that had greeted them when they opened the door. Setting the cauldron down in the sink, I made the smoke dissipate with a wave of my wand.

Harry Potter One Shots (Vol. I)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ