Namesake (James Sirius Potter)

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James' POV

Growing up I was always so jealous of Albus and Lily. At first it was because I was the only child until I wasn't and I suddenly had to share everything. But I soon left that phase but the jealousy of my siblings remained. I wasn't jealous over anything material or anything physical.

Instead I was jealous of the fact that Lily took after Mum and Albus took after Dad. They both looked like them and, for the most part, they acted like them as well. So who did that leave me to look after?

The answer to that was my grandfather, James Potter. Except I hadn't realised that until grandma had pointed it out to be. But looking back at it now it was uncanny how similar we were. I had inherited Mum's brown eyes but my other facial features were the copy of my Dad's. But I had been told, more than once, that with my brown eyes and my facial features I was almost one hundred percent like my grandad.

Maybe that was why I found it easier to go to him for advice even though he wasn't around? Except he was - in spirit at least. It was like his spirit was around me whenever I felt the need to ask him any questions and he went out of his way to make sure that I got an answer in any way possible.

But I was probably wrong. I was overthinking everything.

Sitting cross legged on the grass I stared up into the night sky. Looking at the brightest star in the sky I let out a breath.

"Hey grandad," I said quietly. "I always say this but I don't know if you can hear me now or at all, but I could really use some advice. You see, there's this girl - the same one that I always talk to you about and I need some advice. I've been doing some thinking about her and I'm one hundred percent sure that she doesn't like me back or at all. At least not yet. But I'm going to change that, just like you did with Grandma Lily.
"Anyway I need some help because, well if I end up telling Fred this story one more time then I just know he'll kill me using one of Uncle George's inventions - I'm getting side tracked. So basically, it started in my third year when she told me off for pranking a first year. I know that it's an insane way to fall for someone but I just did. Until that point no one had ever told me off for doing something because of who Dad is but she didn't care at all about that.
"At first I thought that it was just a crush. I mean, she didn't have read hair and everyone knows that Potter's marry redheads. So I started asking her out. All the time. Just so that I could have her attention. It obviously irritated her but I was fine with that because at least she noticed me.
"The problem came in my fourth year when the other boys started to notice her as well. Anyway I guess that I want your advice. Should I give up on her and forget five years' worth of feelings?"

I looked around for any sort of sign but there was none. Sighing, I returned to staring at the single star and continued, "Should I keep trying?"

It might have just been my wishful thinking but I could have sworn that the star that I had been staring at had suddenly become much brighter. Well I guess I had my answer.

"James," Albus called from behind me. Looking back over my shoulder I saw him standing at the entrance of our tent with Lily standing beside him. "Mum said you need to come and sleep or else you'll be too tired to watch the match."

Rising to my feet I waked into the tent. There was no way that I would let myself miss even a second of the final of the Quidditch world cup. When I made it into the tent, Lily brushed past me and Al. When we were alone, Albus turned to look at me, lowering his voice.

"Guess who's coming tomorrow?"

He didn't need to even say her name, from the tone of his voice I instantly knew who it was that he was talking about. "Really?"

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