On the Cards (George Weasley)

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Before kicking this one off why don't we catch up a little? How have you fawns been? I've had a pretty stressful few weeks and with semester officially starting again next week, I just want to sleep for the entire week. But I have things I need to do so, unfortunately, I can't ~

Usually I try to update 3 times a week and sometimes, if I get inspired or the workload is low, I can update more often. But if I'm swamped with deadlines then I won't be able to post as often as I want to. That being said, this week I plan to post more often to make up for almost a month long hiatus.

Also, there was something surprising about all the requests I received. There's normally a list of characters that I'm certain I'll get requests for but this time, some of them weren't requested which was genuinely surprising. And some of the characters that I thought most people disliked were requested very often which again, was surprising. There was also a lot of love for Cesar Zabini so I think I should take the chance to just announce that he's not a character from the actual series - Cesar is a character I made up but I'm pleased you liked him!

This one shot was requested by yomamasofat69D and it's based on the paper shop girl mentioned in HPB. I always wanted to write a one shot for this particular idea so thanks for requesting it!!

The paper shop, one that had been standing for - according to the owner - over one hundred years always had a steady flow of customers. The owner of the shop, an ageing man had no need to come into the shop personally and instead had an army of part-time workers watch the shop for him. And from the moment I could start working, I spent each of my school holidays manning the shop. The years spent working had made me familiar with many of the regular customers that walked through the doors of the shop. And it was for that very reason that I wasn't fooled by the young boy standing in front of me.

As I rang up his crisp packet at the till the bell at the top of the door sounded and I looked up at the noise. My eyes darted instantly to the open door where an all too welcome customer stepped in, but this time there was no sign of his usual companion. The man navigated easily through the shop, heading straight towards the aisle of chocolate and I couldn't help but smile at just the sight of him.

The boy I was serving cleared his throat, making me look back to him. I waited to see what else he wanted when he cleared his throat again, gesturing to the packets of cigarettes displayed behind me. "And a packet of those."

"Who are you trying to kid, Aaron?" I asked, unimpressed as I crossed my arms and stared down at the kid.

"What?" he complained.

Narrowing my eyes, I demanded, "ID?"

The nerve of the brat; he didn't look anywhere near the correct age. But that didn't stop him reaching into his pocket to draw out a fake ID. My eyebrows rose in surprise as I took the ID, making a show of looking between his face and the ID picture. Reaching beneath the counter, I took out a pair of scissors and cut it in half.

"What the hell are you doing?" he exclaimed, eyes growing wide as I handed him back his destroyed fake ID.

"The next time you try and use one of them, maybe do it when the server isn't your brother's best friend?" I suggested dryly, watching him frown at my words. "If you just pay for you crisps and leave without a fuss then I won't tell your mum about your smoking. Deal?"

"Fine," he grumbled, paying the exact amount of money and storming out of the shop.

"Honestly," I muttered under my breath, opening the till to put the money inside. What the hell did he think he was doing? He was still a kid, and whilst I promised not to tell his mother, I needed to tell someone. His brother, maybe? Aaron was always more likely to listen to his brother over anyone else and technically that way I didn't break my half of the deal either.

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