I Know What You Did Last Night (James Potter)

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Long time no see ~

As promised, here is the one shot. This one was requested by Dobby_i_love_you and I hope you like it! Sorry for making you wait so long ~~ 


Every weekend I promised myself that I wouldn't do it, that I wouldn't go with Yamada and Cardinal to whatever party was being held by whatever house. As always, my protests fell on deaf ears and there was always some excuse that managed to get me out of Ravenclaw Tower (or my dorm if Ravenclaw was the house holding the party) and this week Eien had reminded me that we had promised to help him get over his girlfriend. Merlin, Yamada had the most lethal puppy eyes I knew. And so here I was on Sunday morning, unable to open my eyes because of the headache pounding behind my eyes. I had no idea if it was a hangover or was it caused by the excessive noise from last night?

Risking infinite amounts of pain, I peeked an eye open and instantly wanted to groan and roll over again. With eyes still closed, I reached for the potion vial I wore on a chain around my neck – a small hangover potion I'd had the sense to bring with me. Uncorking the vial, I drained it in one go and remained face first in the pillow until it started to take effect. When the relief, slow to start, swept through me, I finally looked up and around the dorm room. My eyes instantly lingered on the horrific mess on the floor –

There was absolutely no way that this was the fifth year Ravenclaw girl's dorm. Our room was never this messy.

I sat up abruptly, pushing my hair out of my face and thought quickly. My eyes scanned across the room and lingered with daunting horror on the Gryffindor colours splashed all across the room. There was no way – surely there was no way that ...

Holding in my horrified gasp, I burrowed my face into my hands and tried not to groan. Instead, I tried to think rationally. As rationally as someone recovering from a hangover could. Before I could plot an escape because Rowena , did I need to escape, I need to figure out where I was and what had happened. Peeking between my fingers, I searched the other occupied beds and realised with mounting terror that I knew who they were – Black, Lupin, Pettigrew and Longbottom. Meaning, meaning that I was in Potter's bed.

"Oh god," I whimpered silently when my suspicion was confirmed by the glasses that rested on the nearest bedside table.

Clutching the duvet against my chest, I reached out a hand to the other side of the mattress, searching it for residual body heat. But Merlin, these beds were so small that I had no way of knowing if the heat was from me or not. And I couldn't remember anything from last night. Maybe, maybe Eien and Lainey knew something? But if they didn't know, did I really want to share this with them? Especially when I already knew the outcome of telling Lainey who was too loose-lipped to be trusted with this? And then there was Eien who wouldn't mean to, but he'd accidentally tell someone. Rowena's wrath, this was just too much.

Rationally – I had to think rationally.

Lifting the duvet, I peeked down and to my relief I was completely clothed.

Not that it meant anything, a traitorous voice in the back of my mind reminded me. Whose to say I didn't get dressed after or even that I'd still been clothed when

Forcing the thoughts aside, I continued to gather my bearings. There was no point in waiting in this dorm room while I tried to piece together whatever nonsensical puzzle pieces I remembered from last night. The longer I spent in here the longer I was courting disaster. The very last thing I needed was for one of Potter's dormmates to wake up and see me.

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