Slytherin Sensibilities (Regulus Black)

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For some reason I found this one particularly difficult to write and as such, it's not as long as some of my others. But it's still over 5k long

This was requested by dyl_kite who asked for Regulus and Lucius Malfoy's younger sister. I hope it's alright because like I said this one was a bit of a challenge and I personally am not 100% sure of what I've written. Anyway, give it a try and be sure to tell me what you think.

It was shaping up to be Slytherin's year. We were at the top of the house leader board with an over 100 point lead on the house in second place; Ravenclaw. And Quidditch wise we hadn't lost a single game this year. The team had played a game today against Hufflepuff and the poor opposing team made up of mostly new players had no idea how to defend themselves against our experienced team. Halfway through the game I almost began to pity the poor badgers who were being slaughtered on the field. Almost.

The game had ended with an overwhelming win for Slytherin; 360 to 50. After the game, the team retired to the common room for a well-deserved celebration. The house-elves had been distracted and the kitchens raided. Slughorn had been in such a good mood that he even turned a blind eye when he managed to catch some of the Slytherins on their way back to the common room.

And now, the captain and keeper was addressing the entire common room from atop a sofa as he held his drink aloft. Whatever he was saying was met with cheers from the house. When he reached the end of his speech Evan Bletchley clambered unsteadily back to the ground.

"Malfoy," he crowed loudly, spotting me in the crowd. Approaching me quickly, he slung a heavy arm over my shoulder and I winced slightly at the impact. "Did you enjoy the game?"

"I almost felt bad for the poor puffs," I admitted with a one shouldered shrug, watching as Bletchley staggered slightly on his feet. "Merlin's beard, how much have you had to drink?"

"Not a lot," he said, words slightly slurred. "Only one glass, but," here he leaned in close to whisper in my ear, "it was a glass of Black's secret recipe."

"Why would you even drink that poison?" I said exasperated, watching as Bletchley raised the glass to his lips again. "You know that stuff is powerful enough to make Hagrid drunk after a couple of glasses."

"Because I needed to forget!" he exclaimed loudly as I pushed my way through the crowd and dragged him long with me. "She dumped me! For one of those godforsaken puffs! So, we needed to kill them on the pitch today. She said I didn't love her - have you heard anything so stupid? Just because -"

"Sit here and be quiet," I ordered, cutting off his rambling before he could go into full on lover boy mode. Settling him on the sofa beside some of his teammates, I watched as his head fell onto one of the chaser's shoulders. He hiccupped slightly, mimicking that he was zipping his mouth shut. "You better not complain to me tomorrow about having a headache. This was all your decision."

"How's he holding up?" someone asked, coming up behind me.

I turned, glancing over my shoulder at Black as he walked through the crowd. It parted for him, giving him an easy path through the common room.

"He's completely trashed," I said with a shake of my head, "and you're the one responsible."

"Hey," he protested, pointing to Evan who was spouting some rubbish to the chaser who nodded mechanically. "He's the one that wanted to forget for a while."

I rolled my eyes, tucking some of my hair behind my ears. "Good game, Black."

"Thanks," he said with a smile that was just on the right side of arrogant as he raised his glass to his lips. He watched me over the rim of his cup and had I not been a Malfoy I would have shuffled on my feet. But I was a Malfoy and I wasn't going to let anyone make me feel unnerved - on the outside anyway. "Malfoy, have you heard anything about Slughorn's little club?"

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