Third Times the Chance (Neville Longbottom)

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So I have no idea where the inspiration for this one came from 

Also, can you please not complain about the house that the OC is in? And don't PM me to complain about it either? I've said before that I'm trying to put an equal number of one shots out featuring readers from all four houses so it's really pointless to complain. Especially on the one shots that have been requested because on those ones I use the house of the requester as well as their preferred surname. I'm not favouring one house over another, I'm just making sure that readers who aren't Gryffindors actually get to read something featuring their own house for once. Goodness knows that most fanfics always revolve around a Gryffindor reader. And well, we can't all be Gryffindors, can we? Anyway, onwards to the story 

I wasn't the sort of person that liked to wait. Merlin, I didn't have the patience for it and maybe that was because I was the baby of the family; I'd never had to wait for others before. My family usually ended up waiting for me.

My lack of patience was something I had always tried to work on and whilst I'd made significant improvements I couldn't help but think that it wasn't enough. I still got annoyed whenever I had to wait any longer than 5 minutes for someone.

And yet here I was; having sat in the Three Broomsticks for over 15 minutes now, feeling very little impatience. Rowena, practically none at all. In any other situation, I would have already headed back to Hogwarts and cancelled my plans. But this was different. The person I was meeting was different. I could never find it in me to get annoyed at Neville.

Not only hadn't I seen him in months but it was extremely difficult to arrange this in the first place. Neville of all people was undergoing Auror training which just happened to take up almost all of his free time. And I couldn't exactly ask him to spend what little free time he did have with me. Even if that was what I felt like asking of him.

"Sorry I'm late," the words had me looking up from where I had been absentmindedly drawing random patterns on the table. My eyes looked over him, taking in the coat he had hurriedly chucked over his clothes and the red of his cheeks which suggested that he'd run here from the nearest apparition point. I couldn't fight the affectionate smile that just the sight of him brought to the surface. "Training ran late – really late but I tried to get out of there as soon as I could and –"

"Breathe," I cut in with a laugh. Neville fell silent with a sheepish smile. "It's fine. I didn't mind waiting."

"Liar," he said as he settled down onto the chair beside me. "I know exactly how much you hate waiting."

"I guess I don't have a problem if the person I'm waiting for, is you?" I shrugged as I ran my finger over the rim of my cup.

Neville coloured at my words, ducking his head slightly as if to make sure that I didn't notice it. I decided against telling him that it was no use; I could see just how red his ears had gone at my words. And because it was so wonderful to see him react like that to me, I didn't stifle my urge to brush away the snow that was still clinging to his hair. Even as he coloured further, Neville grinned and caught my hand. My eyes met his then, watching curiously as he pressed a quick kiss to my palm before releasing it.

It was my turn to avert my eyes as heat rushed to my cheeks. He chuckled quietly, amused by my reaction and I tried to frown. But who was I kidding? I wasn't upset. Rowena, he could tell me devastating news right now and it probably wouldn't dull my mood because I was so pleased with being able to see him face to face after such a long time. Merlin, my dormmates were right; I really was head over heels for the man.

Neville began to speak then, confessing to me about what he had to do for his training. I was certain that what he was telling me was supposed to be strictly confidential but he didn't seem to have a problem with telling me. He claimed that he trusted that I wouldn't tell anyone.

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