Blessed Anonymity (Harry Potter)

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I'm back to writing these fairly regularly and, as promised, it's 11/09/2019 so here's the next one shot (make sure to leave comments to let me know what you think~)

I'm back to writing these fairly regularly and, as promised, it's 11/09/2019 so here's the next one shot (make sure to leave comments to let me know what you think~)

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I had a love-hate relationship with winter. It snowed during winter and whilst I loved the snow, I hated the cold. Winter was also the season of Christmas and good spirit but God it got dark early. Far too early. During summer, when I finished work at 5, I had multiple good hours of sunlight left to enjoy but leaving work during winter greeted me with a dark night sky that made the walk home that much more terrifying. But still, I braved myself for the walk, not wanting to draw unnecessary attention to myself by walking like I was being chased by Dracula himself.

Only, my internal worrying wasn't necessary. Not tonight, at least because as I left the building, my eyes instantly shifted to the waiting person. At first, upon realising that someone was waiting outside, my shoulders stiffened into the characteristic fear that so many women knew but upon recognising the person, the fear eased out of me all too easily. I had no reason to be scared now.

"Harry!" I called out towards my waiting boyfriend who greeted me back with a smile that never failed to awaken the slumbering butterflies in my stomach.

With quick, excited steps, I closed the distance between us and let myself be enveloped in his warm embrace. Harry laughed against my hair in my blatant attempt to burrow myself into him.

"How are you so warm?" I mumbled against his sweater, letting out an appreciative sigh when his hands rubbed soothingly up and down my coat clad back; I was already freezing.

"I guess I run warmer than you do." I felt his shrug, finally drawing away from him. Taking the arm Harry offered me, I huddled closer to his side as we walked the short distance towards our shared home.

"What are you even doing here, Potter?" Sniffling against the cold, I turned curiously towards him.

"I didn't feel right waiting for you at home," he confessed, meeting my waiting eyes. Smiling softly, I watched the way the streetlight danced across the frame of his glasses. "It's not safe."

"You're a worrywart." He didn't rise to my teasing, accepting it in stride. "Maybe I should have done this boyfriend thing sooner if it meant someone would walk me."

"Don't go getting useless ideas in your head," Harry warned, just the right side of playful as we reached home. Only when we reached the front door did Harry remove his arm from around me. Reaching into his pocket, he fished out the key and opened the door, stepping aside so I could head in first.

Kicking off my shoes, I shrugged out of my coat. Calling over my shoulder that I would join Harry once I'd changed into comfortable clothes, I took the stairs two at a time in my haste. Grabbing a fresh pair of pyjamas, I hopped into the shower to warm myself up. I hated the cold.

Harry Potter One Shots (Vol. I)Where stories live. Discover now