Under the Covers (Teddy Lupin)

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I don't think anyone guessed this would be about Teddy ...

Also, this is early by a couple of hours because I've got an early shift tomorrow morning and by the time I get home from work, it'll be too late to post this. But, I hope it's a welcome surprise ~

This was requested by ScarlettandWolf4ever and I hope it was worth the wait 

... also, this goes without saying, but this is unedited 


Pursuing academics had seemed like a good idea at first. Whilst at school, the idea of always learning was appealing and yet now that I was a professional academic, I was beginning to regret my decision. I loved to read, but now that I was struggling to keep on top of all the new research that was coming out, I regretted my decision. If only I could go back to my seventh year and shake some sense into myself, I would stop myself from applying to work in medicinal potions development. The truth was, working in the industry I worked in, there was no such thing as working hours, especially whilst a potion was in its developmental stage. And because I was someone that struggled to leave work at work, I often found myself spending evenings sitting on the sofa reading through some sort of research paper. I should've just listened to dad and started working with dragons.


Startling like I'd been caught guilty of doing something - and I had been - I folded the paper in half and looked at Teddy who was coming out of the kitchen, holding two mugs of steaming hot chocolate. He crossed the short space between us, handing one off to me. I accepted it gratefully, wrapping my hands around the mug for warmth and closing my eyes when Teddy dropped a kiss on the top of my head.

When he sat down next to me, plucking my legs up to put them over his lap, I put the article away before he could say anything. "I know, I know, we agreed that I was going to put more effort into leaving work at home. Sorry."

"You should be sorry, Weasley," he teased, words all jest. "Shame on you for depriving your boyfriend."

Narrowing my eyes at his teasing, I swung my legs off his lap. Leaning forward, I put my hot chocolate down on the coffee table. Clambering onto Teddy's lap, I settled with one thigh on either side of his and arched an eyebrow. Smiling, Teddy tipped his head back to watch me.

"Shame on me, huh?" He nodded, smiling widely as his hands, large and warm, came up to hold my hips. "I didn't realise I'd been depriving you, Lupin."

"I wouldn't say depriving," he amended as I lowered my head towards his. "But you know me, I'm always greedy for your affection."

Smiling at his words, I leaned down to kiss him, only to pause when I heard a light tapping at the window. Straightening up and ignoring Teddy's protesting grumbles, I looked to the window where there was an owl, perched and waiting. Likely knowing what I was going to do, Teddy's hold on me tightened, trying to keep me near him. But I batted his hands away, removing them and clambered off his lap.

"I can't believe I'm being cockblocked by an owl," he complained without any heat, his eyes following me as I walked to the window.

"Excuse me," I shot back, glancing at him from over my shoulder, "What makes you think there was going to be anything to block?"

"I'll have you know that I can be very charming."

Rolling my eyes and laughing slightly, I made it to the window. Recognising grandma's owl, I opened the window and let the owl into the room. It perched onto the window sill, handing the letter to me and accepting a treat. Once it had eaten the treat, it flew away without waiting for any response. Shutting the window once more, I opened the envelope and leaned against the window sill. Aware of Teddy's eyes on me, I read through the short letter.

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