Saving The Damned (Tom Riddle)

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Word of Harry's death spread through the great hall like an out of control Fiendfyre. All hope seemed to drain from everyone as we were presented with Harry Potter's cold lifeless body. His body was carried in by one of the death eaters and was thrown unceremoniously to the floor. I felt the bile rise in my throat, my body filing with utter despair. What would happen now?

The crowd surged to get closer to his body, not believing it to truly be Harry's body. Someone from the crowd took a hold of my hand and started to pull me through the crowd. Turning my head to meet professor McGonagall's eyes, I followed her as we soundlessly made our way through the crowd. Professor McGonagall was filled with new urgency, running through the corridor and pulling me behind her into Professor Dumbledore's office.

Shutting the door behind me, she magically locked the door and started to ward the room. When she was done, she turned to look behind me. Following her gaze, my eyes settled onto my Professors who were all staring at me grimly.

I looked back at McGonagall. "Professor?"

"I'm sorry," she said, finding an envelope and thrusting it into my hands. "This has to be done."

"What has to be done?" I asked carefully, looking down at the envelope in my hands and then back to the adults in the room. Opening the envelope slowly, I read the letter. I had even read it twice to make sure that I hadn't misread the letter. And I hadn't; that was what was making my stomach turn. The letter fell through my fingers as I looked up at my professors fearfully.

Professor Sinistra stepped towards me, calling my name gently. I shook my head, stepping away from her.

"I can't do this."

A time turner was looped around my neck as I was handed an envelope. They were all deaf to my fears. This past year they had seen their school overturned and they'd had to put up with a lot. Losing harry had been the final straw.

"Now when you get to the right time, you need to give this envelope to Dumbledore. Do you understand?"

"Yes professor."

"Good luck Miss Stevens."

With a final deep breath to steady my frayed nerves, I turned the time turner six times, just as I had been instructed to in the letter. I watches as time reversed around me and found myself back in time, standing in professor Dumbledore's office. Or rather, in this time it was Headmaster Dippet's office. It looked exactly the same.

The room was thankfully empty, giving me the chance to compose myself. If I was to play the role that I had been assigned then I would need to play it perfectly. Gaining acceptance from the two most powerful professors at Hogwarts was the first hurdle I needed to overcome. Letting out a deep breath I sat down in one of the chairs that faced the desk and smoothed down my uniform skirt that had somehow changed to become a replica of the old uniform.

At the sound of approaching voices, I straightened up in my seat and waited anxiously for the door of the office to open. It did seconds later and Professor Dippet walked into the room, followed by a younger Dumbledore. Dippet took his seat behind the desk, believing me to be the transfer student he was anticipating. Dumbledore stood behind him, watching me curiously as Dippet competed the formalities that were needed.

Once everything had been straightened out, Dippet asked Dumbledore to escort me towards the great hall. I had been sorted privately into Ravenclaw and was to meet members of my house during the feat today. Once we were alone, I reached into my pocket and handed the envelope to Dumbledore. His eyes looked between the envelope and me, before opening it. His eyes looked over the letter and looked up to give me a single nod.

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