Playing House (Marcus Flint)

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Wow, this was a challenge but in a very good way. I spent a long time thinking about this character that we were all meant to think of as the antagonist, simply because he went head to head with the Gryffindor quidditch team the first time we were introduced to him. 

I've just spent the last 4 hours working on a stupid statistics portfolio when I remembered that I only had the mini epilogue of this left to write so I hopped onto my laptop and finished this quickly. As a result, this hasn't been edited and so sorry, if it's shite. 

Also, I have another idea (why do these keep popping into my head?????)

So lately, for some reason I've been feeling really angsty for some reason - I think my period's due but that's another story - anyway, I've always had this hc that James Sirius is THE biggest hopeless romantic. Like, believing in true love and all that jazz so when he enters a relationship with someone he gives it all but what I made a one shot about the girl that made him stop believing in love? But maybe not because she cheated on him or anything - I haven't really figured out what she did to him to make him stop believing in love - but it was something. Except, before she started dating James, she didn't believe in love and he opened her eyes to it but like I said earlier, she did something that made him stop believing in love and they broke up. Fast forward a couple of (weeks? months? years? who knows - certainly not me) and they meet again but this time it's her turn to make him remember how great being in love is??? It's just a runaway thought, but what do you think? 

This was requested by the wonderful weirdbaepsae who asked for a playboy Marcus which was certainly a novel idea. I tried to include as many details from your original regions, as I could so make sure to tell me what you think.

ALSO - pay attention to the author's note at the end!!!!

Being the only girl on the Slytherin Quidditch team had one perk only and that was having the changing room to myself. It meant that I had some privacy that none of the other team members had experienced and I could take as long as I wanted to get changed because Flint had long since labelled it a 'woman thing'. Of course, I took advantage of that most of the time by spending an unnecessary amount of time pretending to get changed so I could miss the compulsory laps around the pitch. If I timed it perfectly I could just pop out onto the pitch and join the boys for the last remaining warm-ups.

Of course, sometimes I wondered whether the single advantage was worth all the slack I got for it. Of course, there were those people that wondered whether a girl could play just as well as a boy could – which was utter shit. But also, there was the fact that I had gained 6 annoying members of the house who not only sometimes forgot that I was a girl but also thought that somehow, us being on the same team, meant that I was the one they were to turn to about dating problems. Why they thought I was going to help any of their arrogant arses find dates was beyond me.

With every game that approached, the practices got longer and earlier. For members of the team that had been through this multiple times before, we were used to Flint's overbearing attitude. But for newbies, like bloody Malfoy, he still somehow had the energy to complain. Even now, as he was supposed to be focusing on the snitch that Flint had let out, he was spending more of his time whining about the time. Merlin, his voice was carrying across the pitch and even though I was on the other side, I could still hear him perfectly. It was a wonder that one of the beaters hadn't taken aim for him already. In fact, the spectators – members of our house – could probably hear the complaining of our new seeker.

As Malfoy continued to whine, I rolled my eyes and looked to my fellow chaser as he flew beside me. Adrian and I shared a look, waiting for the captain to join us so we could run through some of the new plays he had made up.

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