Similar Circumstances (Sirius Black)

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So I thought I'd kick this one off with a little question; there was this trilogy of books that I absolutely adored during my tween years (12/13) and I saw the first book in the library again. Anyway, I took the book out and got about two chapters in when I realised it was utter horseshit. And I was so disappointed because I remembered it being so much better? Has anyone else experienced a similar thing? 

Moving on from that; this is the long awaited one shot about Sirius. This was requested by Dae-chan

How had things gotten to this point? How had the parents that I thought I knew, the ones that had raised me to be fair and non-judgemental changed so quickly? Merlin, how could they of all people join the other side. Salazar, I still didn't believe it. But I had to. It was the truth.

The letter they'd sent me was evidence enough. I had waited until after curfew before sneaking into one of the abandoned classrooms to read it because there were always snooping eyes around. I certainly hadn't expected them to disown me because I refused to take the dark mark and pledge my allegiance to that psychopath.

The first time I had seen the horrendous black ink marring my father's arm was the first day of the Christmas holiday. I had walked downstairs to join them for breakfast only to receive the biggest surprise. Father had made no attempt to hide it from me but mother had. She had seen my horrified eyes, staring at father's arm and had promptly covered her own left arm. And they weren't ashamed about it! They had the audacity to declare that they had spoken to their beloved 'Dark Lord' about integrating me into their ranks. Well, I told them where they could do shove their beloved Dark Lord and had found myself promptly kicked out of the very home that I had grown up in.

If I had asked any of the students within the castle, hell if I'd asked any of the professors, then they would have hesitated before admitting that they expected me to be the one to join the other side. After all, I was the dark horse of the family – the only Slytherin from a family that had only ever produced Gryffindors. Almost anyone would have expected me to be the one to join the death eaters and truthfully, I'd have thought that the chances of me joining the death eaters was more likely than my parents joining. No one would have expected it from the upright and honourable McCoy family.

Did my brother know? Salazar, he was an up and coming name in the auror field. If he had turned sides suddenly –

I shook my head fiercely. He wouldn't. Not him.

Looking back to the letter in my hands, I scrunched it up between my fists as tears started to gather in my eyes. I'd lost my parents over this insane pureblood supremacy – the same pureblood supremacy that they'd always told me to rise above. Merlin, what had gone wrong?

Wiping my tears away with the back of my hand, I took one last glance at the letter which told me that I wasn't welcome in our family home – the wards had been changed to not allow me in – and I folded it up, stuffing it deep inside my robe pocket. I wouldn't discard it, not yet; I'd need to use it to remind myself of the reason why I ended my connection with my parents. Whenever I felt my moral fibre falter, I'd use it to remind myself. Rising unsteadily to my feet, I headed towards the exit and planned to sneak back to the common room without being caught by any of the prefects.

Luck wasn't on my side.

The moment I stepped out of the classroom I ran into, not just a prefect, but the Head Boy, a prefect and two of their closest friends. Only I would have such bad luck. But then again, the marauders, as they called themselves weren't allowed out past curfew – well, two of them weren't anyway.

Harry Potter One Shots (Vol. I)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें