The Malfoy Bride (Lucius Malfoy)

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When I started this book, I honestly never thought I would write a story for Lucius Malfoy (I never thought I'd do one for Tom either but look at me now). It always starts with a random thought and spirals out of control

I know how much you must hate Lucius - hell, I don't like him either. But keep an open mind ~

I've already teased the plotline for this one so you'll know what to expect from it.

Marriage, as my father liked to remind me, wasn't simple for purebloods like ourselves. In our world, marriage was almost like a business deal which was entered into with certain types of people to ensure that the family line was progressed into greater heights. Just what these heights were, I didn't know. But, I did know that Narcissa's alliance with the Malfoy family was very important to our family. That was part of the reason why father was so tense about ensuring that nothing came in the way of this marriage.

At first, I had been tempted to remind him that the Malfoy family had brought the idea of this alliance up so it was highly doubtful that they would suddenly withdraw from it. But it took one look into his angry eyes for me to change my mind.

With the Malfoy family arriving tomorrow to begin the planning of the wedding, father had already sat both Cissa and me down to ensure that we knew how we were to behave. Ever since Andy had left our family, father had tightened his reigns even further on us until it got to the point where I felt as if I was struggling to breathe. Maybe Cissa had the right idea by marrying so quickly so she could get out of this house. Salazar knew I too wanted to run away at times.

Mother called my name, making me look up sharply from the book I was supposed to be reading - something about dutiful daughters that lost me within the first few sentences. Raising my eyes to mother's, I nodded when she ordered, "Call Narcissa downstairs. Your father wishes to speak to her."

Without a word, I tossed aside the ridiculous book and rose to my feet. Heading up the stairs, I walked past Bella's room and found myself hovering outside the closed door. She was my eldest sister and yet I was more than happy to see her go when she married my now brother-in-law. When Bella had been home, we'd all had to tiptoe around not only mother and father, but her as well. The house was so much lighter with her not around.

Continuing past Bella's room and towards the next one, Andy's, I hesitated once again. Andy's disappearance was sudden and affected Cissa and me much harder than we both thought possible. Bella might have been the eldest out of us sisters, but Andy was always the one that acted more like the eldest sister.

It was her disappearance that had heightened my father's desire to ensure that all of his daughters were settled down at a young age. Once Cissa was married off to the Malfoy heir, it would no doubt be my turn. Merlin knew just what greasy pureblood heir father would dig up for me.

Shaking my head, I continued on my way towards Cissa's room and knocked. Waiting for an answer, I waited only to hear nothing in response. Frowning, I knocked again but again there was no response.

"Cissa," I called out, approaching her door and hoping, no silently praying that she would respond to me. Merlin, I had a bad feeling about the silence coming from her room.

Pushing her door open a little, I peeked inside and found no sign of her. Opening the door fully, I stepped inside and tried my very best to stop myself from jumping to conclusions. It was only natural that I was a bit more on edge ever since Andy had left but Narcissa wouldn't - she would never do that.

Walking quickly towards her closet, I threw it open and found it empty. My breath left me in a sharp gasp. Salazar, she would not do this! She wouldn't have left me alone with them, surely? If she was going to run away then she would have given me some sort of sign so that I could make a plan to make sure that I wasn't the only one left in this house!

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