Someone I Used to Know (Blaise Zabini)

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Exams are just around the corner and you know what that means - updates are going to be slower than normal . This was requested by chokolatte406 who asked for a Ravenclaw reader who had a particular ... history with Blaise. It's been so long since I've written for him that I'm not even sure if I characterised him properly 

Another day of lessons had almost come to an end and I couldn't be more pleased about it. You'd have thought that after being in this school for 6 years now that I would be used to having to go to and from these lessons but really, it wasn't my fault that I didn't find them interesting. Just because I'd been sorted into the Eagle's nest didn't mean that I would automatically love being in the classrooms. It was just that I'd try to do the reading and then I'd discover something else that took my interest, and I'd get too focused in that instead. It wasn't my fault that the syllabus was so boring, was it?

"You should see the look on your face," Mandy said from beside me, linking her arm through mine as if to forcefully pull me towards our History of Magic class. "One more lesson and then we'll be done for the day."

"Can you blame me though?" I asked with a sigh, trying not to roll my eyes. "It's bloody Binns. Why we've all agreed to take this subject again, I don't know. Rowena, it's just worse that it's the way we end the day. It's going to drag on."

"She's got a point, you know," Lisa said as she peered around me to frown at Mandy. Mandy, for her part, very easily agreed and then suddenly she seemed unwilling to get to the lesson too. "But if we don't get there before he begins, Binns will gladly have all of us in detention. Or worse yet, he'll make us come in to go over the material we missed, and Rowena knows that without the bell to stop him, he might actually go on forever."

"Why is that just making me want to miss the lesson altogether?" I wondered aloud as we turned the corner and my eyes settled on the approaching group of Slytherins. Merlin, just the sight of the one stood in the middle had me trying not to sneer.

Whatever lesson he was on the way to – not that I cared – but whatever lesson it was, Zabini was certainly taking his time to get there. Apparently, he'd swapped places with Malfoy for once because he was being trailed by the blond's usual bodyguards and clearly ignoring whatever the pair of them were saying to him. I could clock the exact moment where his eyes settled on me and I just knew by the way his steps slowed even more and his shoulders straightened out, I just knew that the bastard was in a confrontational mood.

Mandy knew the signs just as well as I did, and she grumbled under her breath, "I am not in the mood for this Diong. Let's just walk past him without starting an argument?"

"I never start it," I hissed back, ignoring the incredulous scoff she gave at the words. "If he doesn't say anything then I won't either."

"I just don't understand," Lisa insisted with a sigh as the three Slytherins drew closer, "what it is about Zabini that riles you up like that? Normally you don't give a shit about him or anyone – hell, I could say you were the female version of him, so why –"

"You just answered your own question," I pointed out dryly as we finally, finally walked right past them and carried on our way to our lesson. Well, at least we wouldn't be late for –

"Diong," Zabini called out from behind me and my spine straightened at the sound of his voice.

I tried to convince myself to carry on walking, to just ignore him and from the way, the girls on either side of me were suddenly gripping my arms, I knew that was what they wanted too. Merlin, I'd almost managed to do it too –

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