Strictly Business (Roger Davies)

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Quick warning, this one hasn't been edited ~ 

Also, I know next to nothing about medicine - especially medicine in the Wizarding world so I had to make a lot of stuff up. 

Working as a healer was a rewarding job – everyone knew that. Bringing a patient back from the brink of death, was always the most gratifying thing I could have chosen to do with my life. And I had never thought that I would find myself working somewhere other than St. Mungo's.

But here I was, appointed as the new team healer for the Montrose Magpies. It had seemed like it would have been fun, but that was before I remembered just how prone quidditch players were to getting injured. And, as the only team healer, they were all my responsibility. Merlin, if that wasn't frightening. Maybe when I was a little further along, I could speak to the manager about hiring another healer because with the number of players – from both first team and reserves – the numbers were bordering on 30 and that was just too many people for me to handle on my own.

But I pushed the thought aside for now and instead focused on the current quidditch player who was standing in front of me, on the scale. The players were all to report to my office which was tucked away in the corner of their training ground, for a general fitness check. Recording the weight of the player and his muscle to fat ratio, I allowed him to return to his training.

"Oh, and Mr Maddock," I called out after the chaser who turned back to me with a slightly sheepish grin. He knew what I was going to say already, "The diagnostic spell brought up your weak knee again, and I know it's difficult to do but please try not to fall on that knee again? You might find yourself unable to play for the rest of the season. And well, seeing as the season hasn't officially started yet, you might not want that to happen."

"Merlin knows Campbell would kill me," he agreed, shuddering at the thought of the team's rather frightening manager. "I'll take your advice, is there anything else?"

I briefly glanced down at the patient chart clipped to my clipboard, and shook my head. "That looks like that's it. Please send the next player in," I said with a smile.

He nodded, ducking out of my office as I placed his patient chart in his medical folder. I shook my head, looking through his chart; why did they all have so many broken bones? Merlin, their captain was the worst; he seemed to think it was some sort of accomplishment that he had broken the majority of the bones in his body at least once. Honestly, they acted so tough and brushed off a broken bone like it was nothing but the moment you asked them to drink a Skele-gro potion, they turned into babies. Men.

Getting another clear patient chart, I attached it to my clipboard as the next player walked into the room. I kept my back to him as I rummaged through my potions drawer to find more of the potions used to test their blood sugar levels.

"If you don't mind making yourself comfortable," I said absentmindedly, "I'll be with you in a moment."

Pulling the potions out of the drawer with a triumphant grin, I pushed my glasses further up my nose and turned back to my newest patient. I took one look at the man sitting down, waiting for the examination to begin, and recognised him from our time at Hogwarts. Without asking him for confirmation, I filled out his name at the top of the form.

"So, Mr Davies," I started conversationally, rounding the desk to lean against it. "This isn't your first check up since you've joined the team so you already know what it entails. I'm going to run some very basic tests on you and get a basic idea of your overall fitness."

"Go ahead, Sanford," he responded, recognising me too. He grinned up at me and I rolled my eyes when our gaze met. "I'm at your mercy."

"We'll start with some questions about your lifestyle," maintaining the professional tone to the meeting, I cleared my throat, "According to your medical history you've had all of the necessary jabs and potions that you're required to take, but have you had the booster jabs and potions?" He nodded and I noted it down quickly. "Are you still a non-smoker? Ok, good. And your weekly alcohol consumption?"

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