The Unwilling Princess (Draco Malfoy)

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So I decided to tackle one of the most overused tropes in HP fandom fanfiction and that is - drum roll please:

Voldemort's daughter ~ 

I can't count the number of times this trope has featured in fanfiction and even in what some arguably consider canon (even though I'm not one of them) but I thought I'd put my own spin on it anyway. Hopefully it's not as cliche as I think it is, and even if it is a little cliche, I hope you like it anyway!

Quick warning; I don't even know what this is. It's like 13k+ words that I spent hours on but it's rubbish. Like I'm so tempted to scrap it altogether and I would have if I hadn't spent all day writing it 

Living life on the run was hard. Of course, I hadn't expected it to be a picnic but I certainly hadn't expected for Voldemort to extend his search for me into the muggle world. It was stupid, downright naive even, to believe that I'd be able to find security in the muggle world but it was what I did anyway. The moment the death eaters had stormed the school, I had sought refuge in the muggle world and it was a special measure placed by the late headmaster Dumbledore himself that allowed my safe passage out of the wizarding world. After all, he knew better than anyone else just how much I wanted to run away from my parentage. Salazar, it would have been so much easier if I had never found out the truth. But I had and I couldn't continue to live in the past.

As I clambered onto the muggle bus, I managed to snag one of the window seats and stared out as the bus set off. How much longer would I be able to remain hidden away in this little market town before they managed to find me? Wizarding Britain was only so big and they seemed to be able to find me with relative ease. I had been able to stay in the last place for just over a month before I'd returned to the flat to find a band of Death Eaters outside the door, intent on waiting for me. The flat I had managed to find this time was a small place, easily hidden amongst the newly built houses and it had been my home for just over two weeks. But my time was running out. And as I continued to stare out across the road in time to see a black swirling mass take form, I realised the truth.

I stared in horror as one of the lower rank Death Eaters materialised across the road, having apparated into the muggle world. They weren't even bothering to be careful anymore. Although it wasn't as if they need to be careful, was it? Not when my father – no, the sperm donor who had sired me – was in charge now. Because that monster wasn't my father, he was simply a wizard that had charmed my mother before running off. Merlin, it would have been better if he'd remained unknowing of my existence, then he certainly wouldn't have sought me out to tell me all about my superior genetics and my place in a greater world.

I continued to watch the Death Eater as he followed the bus before pulling his wand from his pocket and levelling it towards the moving vehicle. Salazar, I had no issue with being the one to get hurt, but it wasn't fair to let this bus full of muggles get hurt as collateral damage. Rising from my seat, I walked to the front of the bus and pressed the button to get off at the next stop that was less than a minute away. The stop approached quickly and the moment we stopped, I was scrambling off it and waited anxiously for it to pull away. Once it had left, I stared across the road to the waiting Death Eater who was too lazy to even cross the road. He chose, instead, to apparate to myself and I crossed my arms over my chest.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, drawing away from him to put some space between us.

"Your father wants you home," he said as if it was news to me. Merlin, I was sick of hearing that phrase. He certainly wasn't my father and neither was being by his side my 'home'.

Scoffing, I rolled my eyes, "Surely this has been going on long enough for you to realise that I have no intention of returning to him."

The Death Eater – probably one of the newer ones – sighed as if he was growing tired of this. And who cared if he was? I was certainly growing tired of this continual pestering. "Princess –"

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