Love and All Things Fake (James Sirius Potter)

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So, remember that idea I proposed a while back? About the girl that made hopeless romantic JSP stop believing in love? Well, this is the outcome of that idea. I hope you guys like it!

Wasn't it strange how people turned out once they left school? For instance, the picture on the front cover of one most popular gossip newspapers featured one of my old classmates with the headline 'Playboy Potter'. In said picture, the Quidditch player was seen verbally tossing aside the latest 'companion' he'd had, because James Potter didn't do relationships – not anymore, anyway. He didn't do serious, or commitment or love and Merlin, it was so bloody confusing because those were all he'd ever been after in school. The boy – man now, I suppose – had been a hopeless romantic at heart, one who was willing to go to any lengths to prove to someone how much he loved them.

"Salazar," I muttered under my breath, reaching out to grab the newspaper from the corner of my desk. Staring down at his face which had only just gotten more handsome in the years that I hadn't seen him, I sighed. Folding the paper in half over his smirking face, I shoved it into my desk drawer. "What the hell happened to him?"

"Happened to who?" Eliza, my assistant, asked from the doorway. I looked up in surprise at her sudden appearance, wondering when she had gotten there. Adjusting her hold on the folder in her arms, she walked towards me and held it out for me to take. "Well?"

"No one," I dismissed in a heartbeat, opening the folder to the first page and stared down at an invoice from the centrepiece arrangements for one of the weddings I was in the midst of arrangement. Frowning at the number which was much higher than the agreed price, I looked up at Eliza who stood a little nervously at that side. "So, you've seen the price too, huh?"

"It's outrageous!" she exclaimed, throwing her hands up in annoyance. "They can't just change the price after the couple paid the deposit."

I struggled not to smile; seeing Eliza still getting worked up over things like this just reminded me of the way I'd been when I first started my business. "Eliza –"

"It has to be illegal!" Feeling my amused eyes on her, she cleared her throat and straightened out her jacket. "Sorry."

"Don't apologise – that passion is good. It's what keeps us getting new customers." Snapping the folder shut, I ordered, "Remind me to call the florist to tell them I'll be popping in to have a word with them later today."

Eliza grinned, "Give them hell."

"And I will – Salazar, they have another thing coming if they think they can rip off my clients." Setting the folder aside, I crossed my arms and asked, "Is there anything else?"

"Oh right." She pointed towards the consultation room, "The Lupin-Wiley wedding arrived."

"Early, as per usual," I murmured with a smile, heading out to greet the couple. Picking up their wedding folder from the shelf, I tossed over my shoulder, "You can tell why they were Head Boy and Head Girl in their respective years."

Eliza and I shared a smile before walking out to greet the couple who rose to their feet at the sight of us. Returning the smiles and the greetings the couple sent my way, I gestured for them to take a seat.

"Please, sit down." The couple settled down without another word and I flickered through the folder to show them the budget proposal they had asked me to come up with. Not even glancing towards Lupin, I handed the budget off to Wiley; we both knew she wore the pants in the relationship. That and Lupin was willing to do everything she wanted. The man had even told me that he didn't care if he wore a dress up the aisle, if that was what his fiancée wanted, then he was fine with it.

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