After Hours (Blaise Zabini)

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I've received a lot of messages asking why I never write for Snape and I'm sorry guys but I just don't like him. He's never one of those characters that I can get 'the feels' for and believe me, I need 'the feels' to write a one shot. I'm not going to specify on here why I don't like Snape because otherwise I feel like a fight will break out in the comments. But, I hope you guys understand? This is just one character (ok two - I don't see myself writing for Peter) in the vast Harry Potter universe that I can't seem to write for - and believe me, I've tried to write a one shot for him before (I ended about 10 Snape one shots half way through because I couldn't bring myself to finish them).

Just to clear it up, I'm not saying that I'll never write for him, I personally don't see me writing or accepting a request for Snape right now. But who knows about the future? If I happen to ever feel the urge to write (and actually complete) a Snape one, then this will be the first place I go.

But here's one Slytherin for another - and well, you must've gathered from most of my next generation one shots that I imagine Blaise taking over as Potions Professor. So I guess, here's one potions master for another?

My first thoughts that I had after waking up was that the weather was going to be horrendous. I only needed to listen to the way the lake water was lapping angrily against the windows of our dorm. Daphne who was already awake, threw the windows a disgruntled look. Pushing my duvet away, I made my bed with a wave of my wand before beginning to get ready for the day. Pansy was the last to wake up and she threw a questioning glance towards the empty bed. Millicent had always been one to wake up early.

"Did you know," Daphne began casually making Pansy and I share a look as we changed into our uniform.

"What is it this time Daphne?" Tracy asked as I looped my tie around my neck.

"I heard something through the grapevine," Daphne said defensively, turning away from the windows to look at the rest of us.

"What is the entire common room gossiping about this time?" Pansy muttered dryly, watching as I searched my bedside table for a hair tie. She rolled her eyes, snagging one from her own table and throwing it towards me. I caught it with a thankful smile, tying my hair into a ponytail.

"Rumour has it that Blaise has a crush." And for once, one of the so-called rumours Daphne always told us, had managed to surprise every single one of us.

"Blaise Zabini has a crush?" I repeated questioning, "The same Blaise who's notoriously secret about his private life?"

"Well who's the lucky bitch?" Pansy asked trying to find her wand.

Sitting on the edge of my bed to fasten my shoes, I looked up suddenly when Daphne sounded far too pleased as she announced, "Pucey."

"Pucey as in me?" I questioned dryly, "or Pucey as in my brother." Daphne gave me a flat look, not appreciating that I wasn't taking her seriously. "Honestly, Daph, have you learnt to not listen to any of the rumours that circulate around the common room? Or to at least take them with a pinch of salt?"

The blond-haired witch, tossed her hair back with a humph. "You could be a little more excited about having bagged him."

"I haven't bagged anyone," I reminded her. Rising to my feet I shrugged into my robe, looking to Pansy who was trying to humour Daphne, "Do you not remember the last rumour to come out of this so-called grapevine? They claimed that Pansy was in love with Draco and was chasing after him."

Pansy made a face like she'd sucked a lemon and Tracy laughed. "They couldn't have been more wrong. Pans was pining over that Hufflepuff. Which one was it again?"

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