Love Amongst the Bookshelves (Harry Potter)

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Well, I guess I know which bespectacled Potter most of you prefer. I can practically hear you all wondering what's going on - two updates in two days ~

I'm not quite sure what to say about this one apart from admitting that I have no idea where the inspiration for this one came from. As always, leave loads of comments - I love reading them!

My bookshop, one I opened following the end of the second war, was my pride and joy. It might have been just a small shop located in the middle of one of busiest shopping streets in magical Britain, but it was mine. I hadn't headed into politics like the majority of my family had and instead, I followed my own passions. Whilst to other people the small shop might have been a disappointment compared to the other accomplishments made by the illustrious Glenn family, to me it was no less important. The income might not have been as secure as it would have been had I started to work for the ministry, but it was enough for me. Even if I did sometimes need to put in an ungodly number of hours to keep the store running.

Following the war, many had taken to publishing their own biographies or autobiographies about what they had experienced and one of the most popular had been published last year, one the first anniversary of the war. Written by George Weasley in an attempt to grieve for his dearest brother, the autobiography was eventually published after he'd been approached by multiple publishing companies. It was one of the best-selling books in the country and on a regular basis I needed to restock the shelf at the front of the shop. As I placed the last of the books on the shelf, I heard the door swing open and glancing my shoulder at towards the door, I called out a welcoming greeting.

Pushing away from the shelf, I smiled warmly at the approaching witch. Granger was one of my loyal customers and for a shop that had been open for just over 6 months, it was customers like her that helped to keep my business afloat.

The witch responded with a greeting of her own and headed towards the counter as she waited for me to arrive. When I took my position behind the till she smiled warmly at me.

"That book I asked you to order in," she started curiously, "I was wondering if it arrived yet?"

"You're in luck," I assured her as I turned to disappear into the back room, "it arrived this morning."

The book had been delivered just minutes before the shop itself opened and I'd placed it in the back so I knew where it was in case the witch came looking for it. Grabbing the box from the back, I returned to the till in time to hear Granger call out to Potter. I glanced around the shop in confusion, not having realised that someone else had walked in. But sure enough, Potter was standing at the display stand that showcased the copies of George Weasley's autobiography. He scanned over the back cover of the book curiously, putting the book down at the sound of Granger's voice. He followed the sound, approaching the till and his steps slowed for a moment at the sight of me as if he hadn't expected to see me.

"Good morning," I greeted a little uncertainty as I opened the box with Granger's book in to scan it. Once the security tag was removed, I handed the book off to the waiting Gryffindor who paid with a grateful smile as she turned the book to the back to read the blurb.

By the time I had placed the money into the till Granger was already turning away to make her way to work. Meeting my eyes for a final time, she waved goodbye as she said, "Have a good day!"

"You too," I called out with a smile, eyes shifting slowly to the man who remained standing by the counter. My eyebrows rose slightly as I asked, "Is there something I can help you with?"

Granger, realising that her companion hadn't followed after her, called out to him and it was only then that he looked away from me. "I'll be next door Harry, come and find me when you're ready."

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