Off Limits (James Sirius Potter)

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I was behind on my school work and perhaps that was my fault. Or perhaps it was James' fault for pulling me away from the essay when I had first started to write it, in favour for sneaking into the kitchens. But really, why had I allowed him to pack up my essay and pull me into the hallway without much protest. I had followed him quietly when he promised me a mug of hot chocolate which, after having sat in the library for an hour at the time, sounded like heaven.

Now, a week later, when I had finally gotten into the swing of writing this essay I was being pulled away from it yet again. The bloody essay was due in tomorrow and at this rate I wasn't going to finish it in time and then I'd end up in detention. Again. Deciding to ignore the red haired girl in front of me as she stood trying to get me to leave, I turned back to the textbook in front of me.

"Come on!" Rose said adamantly, walking around the bed to stand by my side. She tugged at my arm. "The quidditch match starts in five minutes and we can't be late."

"I know Rose," I muttered shrugging her hand off from my arm. Just because the match started in five more minutes didn't mean that I couldn't do five more minutes of work. In that time I could at least finish the paragraph I was writing, I thought as I pulled the textbook closer to me – great I'd lost my place.

Finding my place in the textbook again, I picked up my quill and began to scan the text.

Accio; a common spell that is also known as the summoning charm. There have been many speculations made about its true origins and the primary cause for its creation-

A hand splayed across the page to block the words from my field of view. I followed the arm up to look at Rose's face as she stared down at me, both of her eyebrows raised at me. I raised an eyebrow before looking down at her hand, silently telling her to remove it.

She let out an exasperated sigh, "You know what James is like." Closing the textbook she pulled it away from me and held it out from my reach. I gave her a look.

"Yes I do," I agreed, reaching for the book. She rolled her eyes at my action and threw the book across the dorm room for it to land on the bed of one of my dorm mates. She was lucky that her mother wasn't around to have witnessed that.

"Well then you should know that he'll refuse to play until you arrive." I rolled my eyes; I wasn't the one that had convinced James that I was somehow his good luck charm. He'd been the one to convince himself of that. Letting out a sigh I got off the bed and stood up knowing that she was right. We both knew how stubborn her cousin could be. James was the type of person to wait until I got there before he would play, even if it meant forfeiting to the Slytherins. But he knew that would never happen, not when he had family that he only needed to annoy in order for them to guilt trip me into going to the match.

"Come on then," I muttered, fixing my clothes and slipping on my shoes. I straightened up to look at Rose, "Let's go."

Merlin, I was glad that I wore trainers I thought as we ran out from the girl's dormitory and through the common room. Racing across the school we headed for the quidditch pitch because the game was supposed to have already started a few minutes ago. But knowing James and his smart mouth he had somehow managed to delay the match for a few minutes. I slowed down slightly, feeling a stitch forming in my side. Rose glanced back at me from over her shoulder before catching my hand to pull me alongside her, forcing me to run even faster. She led me in the direction to where the Gryffindor team was waiting.

I rolled my eyes when I heard James' voice, "I'm not playing until-"

"She's here," Rose cut in, stopping James' speech midway. Pulling my hand from Rose' hold I braced my hands on my knees as I wheezed, trying to catch my breath.

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