Against the Rules (Bill Weasley)

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So it's been a very long time since I've updated and I've tried my best to find some time to write but my schedule is soooo hectic. I've got early morning starts all week and the workload is no joke. I guess I'll have to get better at managing my time if I want to keep updating regularly. Sorry again, but hopefully the wait was worth it!

The Christmas holidays were certainly going to be awkward this year. It wasn't often that I spent the break with someone that wasn't family, let alone spending it with someone else's family. My parents were off celebrating their 20th wedding anniversary and I had not wanted to go along with them. Of course I had thought this mean that, at the age of 17 - an adult in the eyes of the law - I was old enough to be left alone at home. But my parents hadn't agreed.

Mum had made some arrangements behind my back and suddenly I was being shipped off to the Burrow of all places where I was going to stay under the watchful eye of mum's decades old friend. Honestly, I wasn't a child. I knew how to cook for myself, how to clean, how to make sure the wards were up. What did they expect? For me to burn the Christmas tree down before their return? Well, I had done that once before but in my defence it had been an outburst of accidental magic!

The adults, oblivious to my internal annoyance, were talking quietly between themselves as Mrs Weasley told me that I'd be sharing a room with her daughter. The youngest Weasley grinned excitedly at me, clearly pleased to have another girl in the house and all I could down as smile weakly in return. Helga, there was just so many of them!

Of course, I knew the eldest Weasley child; he was our current head boy and we'd shared potions classes since I'd joined the school. And Charlie, well, he was legendary in our common room for stealing the hearts of most of the fifth-year girls which he had no clue about. The boy was too wrapped up in his Care of Magical Creatures textbook to notice. And Percy, I knew Percy because of a particularly ugly run in with a group of Slytherins that I'd managed to prevent him from getting hurt in. Little Ron was unforgettable and I had never seen a 7-year-old with such chubby cheeks. Merlin, I just wanted to pinch them! The twins though, they were going to prove a problem to tell apart. But I had weeks to learn to do that.

Bringing my attention back to the older witch standing before me, I smiled thankfully when, with a wave of her wand, my bags had disappeared.

"They're in Ginny's room," she explained distractedly, looking away from me at the sound of a rather loud thud. She sighed wearily and called out, "Bill, show her to the room please."

"Come on Irwin," Bill called out from behind me and I turned towards the sound of his voice, finding him waiting at the bottom of the stairs for me. He tapped his feet a little impatiently and I fought back the retort that he didn't need to show me the way if he didn't want to, but I kept those thoughts to myself. Who knows how many floors this place had. I needed all the help I could get.

Without a word I walked to his side and shadowed him as he led me up the stairs and to Ginny's room. Once we reached the room he pushed the door open, gesturing for me to step inside. I did so with a little caution and scanned the room, finding my bags beside one of the two beds that occupied most of the space. Crossing the room towards my bags I half expected Bill to walk away now that he'd brought me to the room. But he didn't. Despite his clearly annoyed attitude, he waited in the doorway in case, I assumed, I needed anything.

"I'm fine," I assured him quietly, just as two small heads of red hair brushed past Bill and into the room.

Ginny launched herself onto my bed and grinned at me hopefully. Meeting her eyes for a moment, I blinked in surprise and instead looked to the boy that had walked in with her and found myself face to face with one of the twins. But which one?

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